My Thoughts

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She sat beside me and asked, "How do you see me?" I looked up at her and inquired, "What do you mean?" She replied, "Do you find me beautiful, cute, or sexy? What do you notice about me the most, my eyes or my cheeks? Please describe how I look from your perspective," with eagerness in her voice. I exhaled slightly, wondering how many times I would have to express to this lovely lady how much she means to me.

Perhaps a lifetime wouldn't be enough for her, but I wouldn't mind spending all of my remaining days with her. I responded, "My love, I don't just view you as an object. I don't see your cheeks or lips or any other body parts. I live them. I know every nook and cranny of your being. Nothing is hidden from me, because I have delved into the very depths of your soul and tried to absorb all that I could find. And I will continue to do so for the rest of my life. I see the burdens you've carried and are still carrying on your back, and I try to alleviate them as best I can. I see the dreams embedded in your eyes, and I hope I can help you realize them. I see your legs, strong from all the journeys of life you've taken, and eagerly anticipating the ones you will embark on. But most importantly, I view you as my home. The place where the fire is just a little warmer, the bed a little softer, and where I need not be courageous if I am not. Despite the many thoroughfares I may traverse, I shall always return to you at day's end. Irrespective of the impediments between us, I shall locate you, time and time again if necessary. Does this response suffice to convey the depth of my affection for you, my love?" I inquired, grasping her hand and gazing intently into her slightly teary eyes.

"Indeed, you have," she murmured, as we kissed once more, with the promise of many more such tender moments to come.

I awoke in a state of agitation, casting my gaze upon my surroundings. Alas, I found myself in my chamber. Good grief. Inhaling deeply, I proceeded to caress my eyes. It was but a mere dream... "Jennie," I whispered. I cannot fathom that I envisioned such a scenario. Of her. Groaning, I tossed and turned upon my bed, ruminating on the apparent foolishness of my mind for conjuring up such an absurd and inconsequential moment. Nevertheless, I must confess that I did mean every utterance I spoke in that moment.

I need to go for a run. Getting out of bed. I head to my walk in closet and grabbed my running shoes and a sweat pants. I think wearing a sports bra is good enough.

As I made my way through the front doors, I noticed that the early morning hours had kept everyone in deep slumber. It was precisely 4:30 AM, and the world outside was still asleep. Descending the steps, I meticulously tied my shoelaces to ensure they were secure before setting off on a jog. I decided to run around the estate, as it was already expansive enough, and I had no need to venture beyond its gates. As I gained momentum, my thoughts began to race, and I found myself lost in contemplation.

Why do people dream?

Dreams have long been a subject of fascination and intrigue for scholars and laypeople alike. There are many theories about why we dream, but one of the most compelling is that dreams are a way for our brains to process and make sense of the events and emotions of the day. When we sleep, our brains go through several stages of sleep, including a stage known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. It is during this stage that we experience the most vivid and memorable dreams.

Some researchers believe that dreams are simply a byproduct of the brain's attempts to consolidate and organize memories. Others believe that dreams serve a more complex psychological function, such as helping us to work through unresolved emotions or conflicts. Still others believe that dreams may be a way for our brains to simulate different scenarios and prepare us for future challenges.

Regardless of the exact reasons for dreaming, it is clear that our dreams can provide valuable insight into our emotional lives and help us to better understand ourselves and our relationships. For example, many people find that they dream more frequently about past lovers during times of stress or emotional upheaval. While the exact reasons for this phenomenon are still not well understood, it is clear that our dreams can provide valuable insight into our emotional lives and help us to better understand ourselves and our relationships.

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