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"Hello Lisa, it's been awhile."

"Nick," I said in a deadpan voice, my eyebrows furrowing at the sound of his voice. I then turned to Luke and murmured something about taking care of Irene, which he promptly assented to. I then looked over at Irene, her face full of concern but still managing a small smile. I gestured to my phone and then to the door, to which she nodded in understanding. I then made my way out back to take the call.

"Oh, bloody hell, Nick! What on earth were you thinking yesterday? You could have put the lives of innocent people in danger!" I exclaimed, my voice rising slightly as I recalled how close Irene came to harm.

"I understand that they weren't just random people, Lisa. You and I both know that you and Jennie have a history," Nick replied, trying to keep his voice calm despite his frustration.

I gritted my teeth and replied, "That wasn't Jennie, Kiara targeted."

"Lisa, I'm acutely aware of that, but nonetheless, that was simply a ploy to capture your attention," Nick explained eloquently.

"You can certainly grab my attention, Nick, without involving other people's lives," I spoke with a venomous tone. "It was a foolish way for you to plan that."

"But it did get your attention, didn't it?" He laughed, satisfied with his plan. "What do you want?" I asked, feeling uneasy. "I want you, Lisa. There's a lot that you don't know, and remember last time we spoke. I thank you for letting me go and I shall return a favor." Nick replied, his words lingering in my mind. What favor? I wondered, feeling apprehensive.

"I shall send another greeting shortly, Lisa. Farewell," he ended the call abruptly, leaving me feeling uneasy. As I walked back inside, I saw Luke waiting for me. "Did you trace the call?" I asked calmly, knowing that Luke didn't deserve my bad mood. "Yes, Boss," he replied.


"Nick is situated approximately 7 kilometers away, Boss. We both know that he desired to be traced. It's a trap. You four previously worked together. It's time to adopt a different strategy," Luke suggested, offering ways to counter Nick. "Indeed, Luke. I was just contemplating the same thing," I nodded, crossing my arms. "Let's convene later with Jisoo and Seulgi to discuss this further."

Dinner was expeditious, and I remained mostly silent. As questions were directed at me, I responded. Although I was present with them physically, my mind was elsewhere. I kept replaying Nick's words in my head. Was he trying to mess with my psyche, or was there truth to what he said? It's something to ponder tonight, I thought to myself.

I am perched on the balcony's ledge of the mansion, distant from the others, with my tea at my side. I extracted my cigarette pack and placed a stick betwixt my lips, igniting it with my lighter. As I inhaled and exhaled smoke, I realized that I had abstained from smoking all day. Now, what to do next? Ah yes, I must contemplate what to do with Nick. First, I must delve into the past.


Years Ago...

"I cannot fathom that it is true! For what reason?!" Jisoo exclaimed as she attempted to maneuver around Luke and Isaac to approach Nick, who had just committed an unforeseeable act. Nick was standing close by in silence while Jisoo continued to voice her discontent. "I did what was necessary!" Nick's voice resounded throughout the room, indicating his lack of remorse for his actions.

Lisa bursts into the room, her entrance commanding everyone's attention. She sees her best friend, Jisoo, being held down by Luke and Isaac, and her heart sinks. Jisoo's appearance is unrecognizable, and Lisa's eyes fill with a mixture of shock, rage, and sorrow. She takes a deep breath and exhales a single word, "Chu...". Jisoo's gaze never leaves Nick, who stands arrogantly in the center of the room, his expression betraying a perverse pleasure in the chaos he has unleashed. Lisa's eyes blaze with pure rage and anger as she steps forward, ready to confront Nick and defend her friend.

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