Double Date

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Ponyboy and Curly have been avoiding each other since that day in Ponyboy's room almost a month ago. All Ponyboy could hear was Curly's voice saying "It's only queer if you like it." And he had liked it. He liked it a lot. He didn't want to think about what that meant. He wasn't gay. He couldn't be. He refused to be.

Ponyboy had decided to start going steady with Katie. She was easy to be around and had a nice laugh. Ponyboy didn't like kissing her though. He didn't like the stickiness of the lip gloss she wore.

He kissed her more out of an obligation that he felt, then any type of enjoyment. He also didn't want to think about not wanting to make out with your girlfriend meant.

Ponyboy knew that eventually he'd run into Curly again, it wasn't exactly the biggest city in the world. He just wished he hadn't run into him on a date with Katie.

Ponyboy saw him while waiting for Katie to come out of the bathroom. He was with a girl, and they were making out. Ponyboy could see him shoving his tongue deep into her mouth.

Ponyboy turned away in disgust that they would act that way in public, he could hear grunts, but he was also disgusted for another reason...he was disgusted because he was jealous. It wasn't that long ago since Curly was shoving his tongue in Ponyboy's mouth.

Ponyboy couldn't help but look back and suddenly Curly's eyes opened, his blue eye gaze holding Ponyboy's green eye gaze.

He didn't stop kissing her, while he watched Ponyboy through half open eyes.

"Sorry it took me so long," Katie's voice is what broke Ponyboy out of his trance.

Licking his dry lips, he forced a smile. "No problem."

Katie slipped her hand into Ponyboy's and she stared up at him with adoring eyes and he felt a stab of guilt. He had a girlfriend, he shouldn't be thinking of anyone else, especially not another guy.

"We better get into the theater," Ponyboy said, giving Katie's hand a squeeze, but before they could turn, Curly called out Ponyboy's name.

Ponyboy swallowed and tried his best to mask any emotion.

"Hey, buddy," Curly greeted Ponyboy. "Long time no see."

"Busy with school and track," Ponyboy answered, avoiding eye contact.

Curly turned his attention to Katie. "Haven't seen you at any parties lately, haven't been as much fun without you there."

He winked at her and Ponyboy felt anger bumbling up inside of him.

Here Curly was flirting with Ponyboy's girl right in front of him and in front of the girl he brought, who Ponyboy hated to see that even with all the make up caked on her face she was quite pretty. He also couldn't help but notice that she had green eyes.

Katie smiled politely. "I'm sure that's not true, Curly."

She let go of Ponyboy's hand and hugged his arm instead.

<p>Katie looked at the girl at Curly's side. "I'm Katie," she introduced herself.

<p>"Anne," The girl replied back in a bored tone, before letting out a yawn.

Katie always the polite one said. "Well, if you guys are seeing the movie, we should all sit together. Wouldn't that be fun?"

"That would be fun," Curly answered in an overly chipper voice.

Curly was lucky that looks couldn't kill because the look Ponyboy sent him would have had him dead and buried.

<p>Ponyboy wasn't sure how it happened but he ended up sitting next to Curly with the girls on either side of them. He set stiffly in the chair; each muscle wound up tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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