Meeting The Thrombey's

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"I also took it upon myself to um..."

"You didn't look at those pictures did you."

A stiff shake of his head and a tiny shrug of his shoulders, let's you know he did look. "I mean, not closely. I had to dig through a lot of emails. Needed to uh, well, make sure it was the right ones. But now, I looked through your phone..."

"My phone? Why?"

"Just a hunch. You know your phone has been tagged?" you shake your head no furrowing your brows. "It's um, someone is watching everything you do on your phone. Phone calls, how long, which texts you send or come through, GPS giving them your whereabouts."

"And they can read them?" you had figured Andy would have done something like that, which is why you didn't call Ransom to set up an additional test. Jake nods his head.

"Look, I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but are you okay?" you sigh looking at your girls before back in the spectacled eyes of Jake. "I mean, I'm no expert, but there's some messed up shit going on with your life. Not to get personal, what's all this about?"

For some reason you trust him. He's goofy, but he seems sincere, honest, caring. You hadn't had that feeling in so long. You've spent so much time curating your life to what you thought was perfect, you hadn't stopped to think that maybe this perfect family you were hoping to make isn't perfect at all. At this point far from it. "I'm a good listener. Most of the time. Terrible at advice, things just roll off my tongue that are usually inappropriate or make no sense. But you're a mom and you have someone following your every move through your phone. They know you're here right now."

"I got involved with two powerful men."

"At the same time?" you huff but nod your head. "Was it just fun?"

"One was. The other I," you glance back at the girls. They're the only ones keeping you sane, and you're beyond blessed that they're good babies. "The girls, they're twins, but have different dads."

"The two powerful men?"

"Yeah. One is a rich prick. Full of himself, but deep down I think he has potential to be a good person and good dad. The other...I'm not sure anymore," petting along Iris's face before cupping Aster's cheek you look back at Jake, only to quickly look away.

"He the husband?" when you don't say a word, he only nods.

"He's a great father though. To both girls."

"Good fathers don't always mean good husbands," you twist your teeth, fighting back the urge to cry. You have never been this candid about Andy, and you definitely haven't been this honest with yourself, much less with a perfect stranger. "Look, I know it's not in my job description, but I'm smart. I got resources. I'm not just an IT guy," he gives you a quick wink. "It's not much, but if you're in a situation you need out of. I can be that guy."

"Thanks Jake," tears roll down your cheeks, and you try to fan them away, only for Jake's thick thumb to wipe them across your cheek. Unable to look away from his sweet crooked grin, the sight of it warming your whole body, but you can't do this. Infidelity got you into this mess. Another won't get you out. "I've...we've got to go. Thanks for everything. I guess my services with you are finished."

"Unless you," Jake clears his throat, looking down at the girls before reverting his eyes back to you, "need me for anything else. Or help you get out of whatever you're in, I mean it."

"Right, thanks. I got your number."

"I've got yours," his teeth clenches before grimacing. "I'm sorry. I won't call you. I do take this seriously."

Desperate AffairsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant