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Josephine moves into the hallway with small steps.

She pulls the door closed behind her.

Grabs her wrists behind her back. "Not here." She nods to the elevator.

I lead her to the metal box.

She steps inside and hits the Lobby button. "Katherine left this morning."


"Who told you I was here?"

"Your dad."


"I called him."

"No." Her eyes go wide. "He played it so cool."

"Don't blame him. I was begging."

She says nothing.

"It was pathetic." My fingers skim her hip.

Her eyelids flutter closed. "You shouldn't..."

"Shouldn't what?" My heart is a fucked-up mess. My head is running in circles. But my body?

It's still magnetically attracted to her.

For a split second, her fingers curl into my stomach.

Then she takes a step backward. Blinks her eyes open. Stares up at me.

"You should decide if you hate me before you do that."

"I'm never gonna hate you."

"You might."

I shake my head. There's a lot of shit going through my head, but none of it is that.

I've hated myself for losing her. For failing her.

For failing Titan.

But I've never hated her.

Not for a fucking second.

The elevator dings.

The doors slide open.

Josephine steps onto the tile floor. Cuts a line straight to the bar. To a quiet booth.

She pulls out her cell and texts her dad. "I only have half an hour."

"You don't have to run away."

She presses her lips together. "I have work tomorrow."

"I'll come with you."


"You think I'm kidding?"

"You haven't heard this yet."

"It's not going to change anything."

"You don't know that."

All right.

I respect her enough to trust her instincts.

Even if she's dead wrong.

She slides into the booth and pulls her legs onto the bench seat. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything. From the beginning."

"I'm not sure I can go back that far."

"Then everything you can tell me."

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