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My fingers curl into my palm.

It's hot as hell today and I'm still wearing my work clothes.

Black jeans, black t-shirt, black non-slip sneakers.

The dark fabric soaks up every ray of the sun.

But I'm not ready to knock yet.

This is it.

It's happening.

Hero and I are having sex.

Deep breath.

Slow exhale.

It's no big deal.

This is what people do. They meet. They fall hard. They have sex.

Every molecule in my body is itching for more of him. For his hands, his lips, his cock.

I can do this.

It's absolutely, positively not a big deal.

There. I knock three times.

His footsteps move toward the door. They're fast but steady. He's still his usual calm, collected self and I'm a sweaty mess with the scent of coffee baked into my skin.

"Hey." He pulls the door open with one of those Hero half-smiles. His hand goes to my waist. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me into the


I yelp as I jump over the step. "Hey yourself." I shrug my messenger bag from my shoulder. Set it on the ground. But that isn't right. I need it close. I need the stuff I have in here. "You have a good morning?"

He shakes his head.


"Can't concentrate for shit." His fingers dig into my skin. "You're the only thing in my head."


"Yeah." He presses his lips to mine. A soft, slow kiss. An I love you kiss.

"Me too." My fingers curl into the nylon strap of my bag. "It was busy. I messed up a bunch of drinks. I'm pretty sure Nathan is telling Lexi I'm incompetent."

"Fuck him."

"He is an asshole."

He intertwines his fingers with mine. Takes a step backward. "Can I get you anything?"

"Would it be weird to ask for wine?"

"Yeah. For you."

"What about an almond milk chai?"


I'm torn. Caffeine to keep me alert—I did wake up at four thirty—or alcohol to help me relax?

I don't want to be tense and awkward. I don't want to be scared. I don't want to be aware of that voice in the back of my head.

He's so ready. So sure. So calm.

I want that too.

"Water," he offers.

"Okay." Hydration is important. And I...

Fuck, my entire body is buzzing with nervous energy.

I'm on a roller coaster and it's climbing to the top of a very steep drop.

Hero drags his fingertips over my palm as he breaks our touch.

He moves into the kitchen with strong, steady steps. Fills two glasses with water, returns, hands one to me.

BROKEN (Herophine Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora