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Desire courses through my veins.

It consumes every thought in my brain.

Attacks the walls around my heart.

I want to forget.

To let go.

To dissolve between his arms.

After three more photos, Hero pulls back with a needy sigh.

He stares into my eyes with heavy lids. Rubs my temple with his thumb.

He isn't posing.

I'm not acting.

None of this is for the sake of the camera.

That means it needs to end.

No matter how good it feels.


"Perfect." I bring my hands to my lap. Suck a breath through my teeth.

"That should be it."

Hero presses his palms into the white sheets.

His nod is soft. Sure. Effortless.

Like our stage kiss is no big deal.

Like it really is a stage kiss.

I swallow hard. Maybe he is pretending. Maybe he does know better.

Maybe I'm reading into things again.

It's too hard to think with his body pressed against mine.

I push myself up. "I need fifteen minutes to get dressed."


"I know you have to study."

He nods.

I move into the bathroom. Press the door shut. It's easier to breathe without his gaze on me. Without the smell of his shampoo and the thud of his heartbeat so, so close.

Thank God I'm alone in here. He can't see my expression. He can't see how close I am to cracking.

God, I want to tear off the rest of my clothes.

To drag him back to that bed.

To finish that thought.

It's the only thing in my head. Need Hero now. Need Hero now.



I step into my jeans. Pull on my t-shirt. Sling Hero's UCI hoodie over my shoulders.

That doesn't help.

But, God, it smells so good.


No more of this.

We failed because I couldn't take responsibility for my shit.

After two years of treatment, I'm better.

Well, I'm better than this.

We're friends now.

That's all.

I'll remind myself as many times as I have to.

I take a deep breath and step into the main room.

Hero is sitting on the bed, his eyes on his cell screen, his posture aloof.

I try to channel his vibe as I pack my camera and tripod, but I don't get there.

My hands are shaking. My stomach is twisting in knots. My heart is thudding against my chest.

Too much of me wants too much of him.

I try to talk myself out of it as we check out, get in his car, drive back to the catering place.

As we say a long, slow goodbye.

But I don't.

All night, he's the only thing I can think about.

No. We're the only thing I can think about. The people we used to be.

The Josephine and Hero who worked so well...

Until we didn't.

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