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Desire spreads over Hero's expression.

It washes away the concern in his soulful eyes.

It washes away everything.

Exactly as it should.

One awkward attempt at making love down. One to go.

God, did I just think making love?

That's cheesy.

But it works.

This is more than a fuck. It's more than sex. It's the two of us connecting on every level.

Mind. Body. Soul.

I'm as sentimental as he is.

Maybe I should hate it, but I don't.

It feels right.

We feel right.

I dig the heels of my hands into his chest as I grind against him.

His hands go to my hips.

His cock nudges my sex.

His boxers and my panties are in the way, but it's close.

He's close.


There's something satisfying about him being hard. But it makes me hungrier too.

I can't explain it. It's filling me and making me more aware of how empty I am.

I need him between my legs.

I need these clothes gone.

I need this awkwardness gone.


I squeeze my thighs against him.

He groans as he brings his hands to my hips. He slides one around my lower back. Traces a line up my spine, then down again.

It's soft. A hint of a touch. But the lightness makes it more intense.

My sex clenches.

My fingers dig into his skin.

We're barely starting and he's already playing me like an instrument.

He's so good at this.

I suck a breath through my teeth. It doesn't mean anything, him being good at this.

He isn't comparing me to anyone else.

He isn't dwelling on how awkward I am.

I already cried through a declaration of love.

I started bawling while he was fingering me and he stayed.

He's still here.

I don't have to prove anything.

I repeat it like a mantra, but it doesn't quite sink in.

My thoughts stay on.

I fail to let go.

Even as he pulls me closer and brings his lips to mine.

As he slips his tongue into my mouth.

I squeeze my eyelids tighter.

Rock my hips harder.

I need this to go faster. I need to prove I can do this. That I can connect with my boyfriend without falling apart.

BROKEN (Herophine Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ