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In all honesty this fanfic has been lingering in my head for a long time remembering what that image made me finally want to write it and I hope I did a good job with hiding things it's so hard to hide things that have been done millions of times when a topic has been done to hell it's hard to be original anyway enough rambling


Daki attacked again with her belts Y/N dashed at the belts and dodged the belts while raising his sword only to graze the ones he couldn't dodge completely cutting them barely trying to close the distance between him and Daki

(Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze)
(Mist breathing)

Y/N was struggling to keep pace with Daki's belts barely dodging as he got closer

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Y/N was struggling to keep pace with Daki's belts barely dodging as he got closer

(Kaigura: Stop using mist Y/N)

Y/N: (I can't stop using mist Kai the movements are helping me dodge)

(Kaigura: I get that but the attacks aren't strong enough to do any real damage to her)

Y/N: (I guess you have a poi- ) OH SHI-

One of Daki's belts appeared to go right into Y/N's neck but he vanished and appeared behind her doing a upsidedown backflip

Y/N: Mist breathing

Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist
(Mist breathing)

He went in for the swing and Daki raised her belts to block which worked but they ended up getting cut which made her throw Y/N back which he landed but not without stumbling

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He went in for the swing and Daki raised her belts to block which worked but they ended up getting cut which made her throw Y/N back which he landed but not without stumbling

Y/N: perfect landing

(Kaigura: eh I wouldn't say perfect I'll give it a 7/10)

Y/N: I'll take it

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