Tears and Fog

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The night of my birth isn't exactly as happy as child birth should be mother was shamed for her love with father something I don't understand she was chased through the village and into the forest to avoid the village having me killed she found an old house in the woods and that was where I was born

Mother: I'm so sorry for what I have to do
Live a great and happy life my baby please survive for me *tears dampened her face with each passing second*

Back ground character 1: there she is get her
*The towns people all came rushing at mother*

Mother: goodbye *kisses Y/N's forehead* my child *Y/N was dropped in the river in a basket*

*As baby Y/N cried he didn't hear the sounds of his mother being put down by the villagers*

Kagaya Ubuyashiki POV.
He was visiting the graves again and even though his hearing was fading he heard the distinct sound of a baby crying

Kagaya: Dear do you hear that
*His wife Amane Ubuyashiki walked up to him holding a baby Y/N*

Amane: dear there was this child floating in the stream

Kagaya: do they have a name

Amane: let me see
*Amane inspected the basket and found a carving*

Amane: yes his name is Y/N

Kagaya: Y/N?...a wonderful name I don't know why you were in the stream but you're safe now
*Y/N was snoring lightly as he had been alseep the whole time*

Now I know this chapter was really short even for short chapters but Its my first book tell me what you think and leave you're request for the ship of the story.

Demon Slayer X Male Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora