"As for Uraraka," Yaoyorozu continues. "She let her guard down mid battle, and her final attack was far too reckless giving the hypothetical stakes. Had she treated the weapon if it were real, she never would've used such an imprecise move. Hokama was fully prepared for her opponent's arrival. She had a strategy and never lost sight of her mission to protect the dummy weapon, even if she was foiled in the end."

Your body feels like it's been struck by a match. Your chest is warm and fuzzy and your legs are trembling. You want to run away.

"Technically the hero team won, yes, but they took advantage of the fact that this was training. They didn't respect the spirit of the trial."

All Might looks shell-shocked at her in depth oversight of the skirmish. He trembles for a second, like he's intimidated by her before clicking back into his original persona. "Yes, well, you overlooked a few things. Young Hokama could have relaxed a bit in the exercise, otherwise you've got it." He gives her a thumbs up. "Good job!"

"Bakugo's earpiece malfunctioned." Your voice, albeit shaky, came as an interruption, but thankfully it seemed that the pro hero was already finished speaking. "I could hear everything he was saying to Midoriya, hence my tension."

Ruby red irises lock onto you. You don't acknowledge it. That was the most you've spoken to anyone in the school, let alone your classmates. They all look at you, as if they're trying to understand what you just said. Some of them wonder how the battle would've played out had you not been distracted by the broken Bluetooth.

"A malfunctioning piece of technology can distract even the most professional of heroes in dire situations." All Might confirmed for you. "Despite that, you did an outstanding job."

A small smile crossed your lips at his praise. It falls when Yaoyorozu spoke up again, hands firmly placed on her hips. "One should always start with the basics and devote oneself wholeheartedly to learning. That's the only way to become a top hero."

Everyone is staring at her with a blank face.

"Now then," All Might begins again. "Let's blow this joint! Onto the next match. Think about everything you saw and discuss as you tackle this training yourself."

"Yes, sir!" The class echoes.

Match two began. It was Todoroki and Shoji versus Ojiro and Hagakure. It didn't last long at all. Todoroki allowed his comrade to locate the villain team, then did the work himself. He placed a hand on the wall and covered the building in an entire sheet of ice, freezing Ojiro and Hagakure where they stood. You couldn't help but think that the dual-haired boy looked like that old movie from America in his hero suit. What did they call it again? Oh, right. The Terminator.

The observatory was freezing. Todoroki had used so much ice that he dropped the temperature significantly. All Might did his best to remain steadfast when he spoke again: "He has incapacitated them without compromising the weapon or his team mate. Take note of his technique, students."

Bakugo is the only one in the room not shaking. You wonder if it's due to the nitroglycerin he produces. You imagine he ran hotter than the rest of the students in the room, including All Might. He looked surprised, eyebrows arched and slightly slack jawed even though his teeth were gritted. It only takes you a second to realize that it isn't surprise on his face; it's anxiety. Todoroki melts the ice in the building, and the review begins.

It's difficult for you to decide whether to watch how your classmates handle the training scenario or watch Bakugo's reaction. Both were interesting and entertaining, but the blond's overall demeanor was shifting the longer the battles went on. No one paid any mind to him and his inner turmoil. You only focused on it because his shadow was screaming; angry but scared.

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