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The USJ attack created history with deaths, now Izuku watches as his actions create a different one than before.

Tomura Shigaraki had always hated a lot of things.

He hates the NPCs that walk around the streets without a care in the world. He hated the heroes that went around and beat people up for praise. He hates how fucking itchy his neck gets sometimes.

But mostly the heroes.

The glorified people of everyday society. Literally, everything on the planet is connected to them; clothes, toys, commercials, billboards, even fucking video games.

And he just wants to turn them all to fucking dust with his Quirk: Decay, which turns everything and everyone he touches into dust.

But more than anything, out of all the things he hates in this world, there is one that he hates above everything and everyone else.

All Might.

He can't remember why, he can't remember when he even started to, but he knows that All Might is someone he wants dead more than anyone else.

Everything about him infuriates Shigaraki, his loud, bombastic, and annoying voice, his stupid fucking smile that always seemed to be on his damn face, the fact that he's the Number 1 Hero, and the way that people cheered his name with religious devotion.

It just made Shigaraki want to kill him more every day.

And now he has his chance.

With his Sensei's new Nomu and a plan to isolate him in the USJ, they had the perfect chance to kill All Might.

Not only does the Nomu have a huge amount of strength, enough to give All Might a run for his money, but it also has Shock Absorption and Super Regeneration. It's the perfect Anti-All Might weapon.

Now if only he could enjoy it without the other side bosses here.

He scratches his neck irritably as he watches Eraser Head just clean up the Mobs he brought along after Kurogiri left to block off the students' escape.

"Tch, I at least thought these guys would put up more of a challenge," He says to himself. "But I guess that goes to show how cool Eraser Head really is."

Despite his hatred of heroes, he couldn't help but admire Eraser Head's skills. This is perhaps the worst possible match-up for him, but he's still kicking ass.

For example, a Mutant Type Quirk user charges at him, despite being unable to erase the NPC's Quirk, Eraser Head countered the charge with a swift punch, and with one fluid movement, he uses his Capture Weapon to entangle him.

Then with a swing that shows how much strength he has naturally, he throws the tied-up NPC directly at another one that was behind him.

"So cool," Shigaraki repeated. "With his capture weapon, he can take down opponents bigger and stronger than him, and because of his goggles, you don't know whose Quirk is erased or when it's even activated. The worst part about heroes is when they actually live up to their hype."

Everyone else backed off from the Hero, wary that he took out a lot of them despite being at a disadvantage.

Eraser Head pulls back his Capture Weapon and his hair drops back to his he-


His hair?

Shigaraki narrows his eyes and focuses on that little detail a bit more when the NPCs all rush at him at once.

One of them throws their hands forward, but nothing happens.

"Shit! He's got me!"

Shigaraki notices the Hero's hair is floating just a bit.

【NEGATIVE ONE】 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt