Chapter 4 - Big Book Nook & Cupcake Caves

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After breakfast, we began to make plans with the four craniacs.

"So, what is the plan for our adventure?" Lemmy asked.

"I don't know, let's search everywhere!" I replied.

Four an hour, we looked all over Cariboo Island for treasure orbs. Nothing in Shaky Acorn Shores, Balloon Lagoon, Butterfly Flutterby, or anywhere else. Not even the Wily Crocodile Pile!

After that hour passed, which felt like minutes, we had to ask Data Head one question.

"I'm breaking a sweat..." Professor Quigley groaned as he tries to keap his posture up. "So, where did you find the first treasure orb?"

"The first treasure orb was floating around Floaty Boat Moat." Data Head replied. "The second one was from evil caterpillars from Caterpillar Wiggle. I don't know why they were evil, but the caterpillars there seem happy. To make this hunt easier, let's split up."

We all split up into two groups of five.

Beneath Big Book Nook, MC Ballyhoo and Big Top sat around, waiting for everybody else.

"Why are you sitting here, Mr. Ballyhoo?" Komodo asked.

"Good question!" Ballyhoo replied, springing into action. "A treasure orb seems to be stickin' out'ta the sand in plain sight."

"Beneath a monument that looks like it was made from giant books? You know we teamed up with a literal bookworm,"

"What do they do?"

"Eat books for knowledge. The bookworm we teamed up doesn't seem to eat books for a living, but he...well..."

Creative Cat, Star Preformer and I showed up to Big Book Nook.

"I have the key that will get that treasure orb out of there!" I said, using the key to budge the orb out. However, I didn't so so successfully. "A little help, Komodo?"

Komodo knew what he was going to say, "I have the right tool for this job!" He instantly went into his "Mechana-Gizmo" form, to search for a shovel. "No... No..." Komodo said. His next tool was a pair of underwear.

"What's that?" Creative Cat asked when he arrived to the scene.

Komodo felt embarrased by the two craniacs walking to him. "UM, UM, UM, NOTHING!" He shouted. Then, he switched to a shovel. "There it is! One mighty Mechana-shovel to the rescue!"

We all just stared at each other, as Komodo dug into the sand with his shovel, until it was good enough to take out with the key. "It's your go, Spyra," said Komodo.

"As if I have to everything with this key." I said while rolling my eyes. I took the end of the key, and got the treasure orb out successfully. "Yes! We did it, Komodo! High-five, buddy!"

"And here's a high-five for contributin' absolutely nothin'!" said MC Ballyhoo, giving the two craniacs a high-five. "So, where's the rest o' the group?"

Even though Cupcake Caves weren't aesthecally pleasing, it sure smelled strong in there.

"I just want to eat this place..." Lemmy sighed, trapped in the embrace of how sweet the caves were. "Wormy, I bet that gigantic snoot of yours caught something a little sweet!"

As Lemmy was caught in the delicous smells, he landed on a mound of icing-like moss, with a spherical object beneath it that he landed on.

"Loss of thought has taken me," said Word Worm, staring at Lemmy getting icing all over himself. "I shall sugarcoat it: that kid will get his tongue and paws all over the frosting that he deems tender."

"Y'know, this stuff is delicous, even though it has been on the rocky grounds for who knows how long!" Lemmy's shell touched the spherical object. "Who put this here? Wait a minute..." He started to inspect what is the treasure orb. "Is this the treasure orb?"

Professor Quigley giggled. "Oh, Lemmy," he said. "Of course it is!"

"Fine, we'll take the thing with us." sighed Lemmy, taking the treasure orb with him. "Come on, guys. Let's go."

As Quigley's group exited the cave, I came running to tell them that I found another treasure orb.

"Boys, we have found a treasure orb!" I said, showing them the orb.

"Of course, we did." Lazlo replied. "Lemmy made out with some icing-like moss. Oh, that Lemmy. He'll hug anything."

"There are two more treasure orbs left," said Data Head. "Let's team up and look in Airplane Lane."

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