Chapter 8 - Opening the Treasure

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We arrived back at the craniacs' campsite, where everything was still where it was. Even the previous treasure orbs!

Back at Cariboo Castle, Data Head, with a refueled jet pack, bowed down to the queen, to give a request that he and his friends are done staying on the island. "Your majesty, we are done camping on Cariboo Island. I request for us to take down our campsite once and for all."

"Sure, go ahead," said the queen "You've breifly teamed up with Spyra and her Cartoon Heroes, right?"

"How do you know their names?"

"They have requested to stay here for the night. And I have heard about the wonderful things they do!"

"Thanks for letting us stay. I have to go back and open the treasure chest we found."

"Take care, buddy."

Back at the camp, we were taking down the campsite, and speculating what would be inside of the treasure.

"Let's admit," said Komodo. "Why are we speculating when we already know what's inside that treasure chest? We own the board game back at Staraether Palace!"

"Sorry for the wait," said Data Head, flying back to the campsite. "Now, Spyra, jam that key in!"

I nodded my head, aligned the treasure orbs in a wall, kicked them, and shoved the key in the keyhole. With a little twist, the lid of the chest popped open, and revealed the treasure of Cariboo Island.

"Wow!" we all said, gazing at the gleaming gold and gems.

"Boys," I said. "This is going straight into the Staraether City Multiverse Museum."

"Not so fast, Spyra!" Data Head said as he tugged my shoulder. "Cariboo Island is a magical island, and the treasure chest somehow warps when no eyes are laid on it after opened. Nothing from this island leaves."

"Thanks for telling me. There is probably no room for the chest, anyway. Could you still take pictures of this thing?"

"Surprise surprise, you can!"

I pulled out my phone, and took a picture of the treasure chest. "Yeah, maybe the photo should be in the museum. C'mon boys, let's go home!"

Carlomi's helecopter from earlier came in from overseas. Its propellers blew the sand and the grass on the ground, and even Lemmy as he ran up to it.

"Carlomi! Carlomi! CARLOMI!" Lemmy hollared. "We found the---" As the helicopter's skids toughed the ground, Lemmy blew backward, and landed into Komodo's arms.

"How is it going? Did you find the treasure?" Carlomi asked. "Bruce seems excited as well!"

"We have found the treasure," I said. "Even though it isn't possible to bring it home, due to magic."

"Understandable," Carlomi replied.

Before we all left, we had to say good-bye to the four craniacs that joined us on our adventure.

"Spyra, I can't thank you enough for saving me." Said Star Preformer, shaking my paw. "You are really...well...a hero!"

"Again, thank you for going on this treasuer hunt." Creative Cat said, as he purred and hugged me.

"What a legendary journey we embarked on," said Word Worm, shaking my other paw with the tip of his tail.

"Farewell!" I said as I walked away.

We boarded the helicopter, and it started to fly away. All four of the craniacs waved up as we flew away.

"Goodbye!" shouted Data Head. "I will miss you until next time we get together!"

As happiness struck him, Word Worm started to break down in tears again. This time, in tears of joy. "Heavens..." He sighed.

"I know," said Creative Cat, comforting his worm friend. "Parting ways is hard.

"It's just...those tears that shed from my eyes when sheer happiness strikes my little wordsmith heart..."

"Then, what do you usually do when your sad?"

"Wail my eyes out."

We had a little chat as we flew back to Staraether City in the helicopter.

"Spyra, did we have fun?" Professor Quigley asked.

"Of course we did, Professor." I replied. "Right, boys? Boys?"

The rest of my Cartoon Heroes were asleep in their seats.

"Well, guess that was a magical treasure hunt!"

BrainSpyro's All-Stars: Escape from Cariboo IslandWhere stories live. Discover now