Chapter 5 - Swept Away From Airplane Lane

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When we arrived at Airplane Lane, we had to board the plane there for the treasure. All without a ticket!

"Welcome to Nameless Airlines, folks," said Star Preformer, pretending to be a flight attendant. "Take a seat, and enjoy your flight."

"Seat reserved for miss Star," said Word Worm, offering up his seat.

"Thanks, Wormy."

As we sat down, we began to chat a bit.

"At first, I thought Cariboo Island was just fiction," I said. "I can't believe we're hunting treasure on this mystical island!"

An aardvark next to us decided to join in the conversation. "You know this island is based on a board game, right?" said the aardvark.

"Well, of course I did. I played the game before."

"Speech therapists like to mod the daylights out of Cariboo. It's so simple and easy to modify."

"Yes, indeed."

"Spyra, why are you talking to an aardvark?" Professor Quigley asked.

Lemmy came up to Professor Quigley and I to tell us that he has to use the facilities. "Excuse me, I don't need to make you hear this, but I have to pee."

We allowed Lemmy to use the facilities. While he was walking to them, he found a robot holding the fith treasure orb.

"Excuse me, Mr. Robot," said Lemmy. "Can I have the treasure orb?"

"What is the magic word?" said the robot.


The robot turned its head away.

"Damn, he does not listen!" Lemmy pouted. "I will ask you later after I whiz." He entered the bathroom, and finally had some relief. When he got back, he told Quigley and I about the treasure orb.

"No, Lemmy. I dont' think that robot won't let go of the treasure orb." I said.

Meanwhile, the aardvark was staring at the airplane door. He was especially staring at the lever for a good while. A label saying "DO NOT PULL" was above the lever for good reason. "What does this lever do?" The aardvark asked himself.

"Sir, I wouldn't pull that lever if I were you." Data Head informed. "You know what happens when you open a plane door, don't you?"

"The wind outside sucks everybody out!" Lemmy added.

The aardvark continued to stare at the door. The intrusive thoughts in his head constantly told him not to, but mostly told him to pull that lever. He couldn't resist it anymore, and pulled the lever. The arrdvark budged the door open a little. Though he like the feel of his ears flapping in the outside wind, it decided to open the door even more. The intense wind barged in, and started to blow everybody out of the plane. It also caused the aardvark to be sucked out altogether.

Lemmy was then swept off his feet, as he then caught a hold of Data Head's arm immedately to prevent himself from blowing away.

"HOLD ON TIGHT, BOYS!" I shouted, holding on tight to my seat.

Quigley tried his best to hold on, facing the wind nose-first while it uncontrolably ruffles his lab coat and hair. As Quigley blew away, I immediately grabbed his hand, as he made it fully back on his feet.

"Gragh, these drafts are too forceful!" Word Worm groaned as Star Preformer held him skin-tight in her arms. He coiled the rest of his tail around the armrests, and used the tip to hold on to his fez, while its tassel wildly flutters in the wind.

As Creative Cat held on for his life, his toe beans lost their grip of the floor, which caused him to tumble directly towards the plane door.

Even the robots in the back were having a hard time holding on! They blew over to the front of the plane, causing them to lose the treasure orb.

Lemmy fully grabbed the treasure orb that blew away, and tried to keep himself from being sent airborne. "Okay, maybe its time to shut that door for good!"

"Understood!" Data Head replied, as he got to action trying to shut the airplane's door. He used his trusty jet pack to get out, and grabbed the door while battling the intense wind at the same time.

"Hey, hey, hey! Got somethin' to say!" said MC Ballyhoo, struggling through the wind and springing in to help. Speaking of, the wind was still no match for him. Ballyhoo is as light as a feather, and was trying to grab the door. His tuxedo and its baggy sleeves were going nuts, and his satin gloved hands were slipping off the door. "A lil' help here? Can't suffer strugglin'!"

Creative Cat got down on his knees, and grabbed Ballyhoo's ankles to support him. His tail usually smoothy sways in the breeze when he walks, but here, his tail was flapping violently beside his fur and ears.

"On the count of three!" Ballyhoo shouted. With just enough strength, he and Data Head fully shut the door, and the wind finally calmed down.

"Hoppin' holonyms, I can breathe again!" Professor Quigley sighed in relief. "Is everyone okay?"

"The treasure orb is fine," said Lemmy.

"You know what?" said Star Preformer. "That was..."

"Outrageous, insane, and most of all..." Word Worm sighed, trying to keep his head up. "rrgh...most of all......agh......suspensful......." His voice broke as he fainted.

As I walked around to check if everyone was okay, I noticed a whole bunch of claw marks on the floor. Two of them were marked together in an X formation

"Oh, those claw marks," said Creative Cat, walking up to me. "Those are mine. I'm not aerodynamic, so I had a hard time holding on."

I thought, maybe it was time to land this plane for good.

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