The Target #1: That Ghoul cheated and took all my Caps!

Bouncer: Get out of here or I will punch your lights out.

The Target: I will sue you and that cheating Ghoul!

Bouncer gives the Target a knuckle sandwich...

Bouncer: Do I have to throw you in the trash?

Robert: This can't be my Target.

The Target pulls out a gun...

The Target: Give me my Money or I'll shoot your eyes out!

Bouncer: Go fuck yourself, you lost fair and square.

The Target shoots the Bouncer in the head...

Target: That Ghoul used her own cards to win, the game was rigged!

Robert shoots the Target in the head...

Robert takes the Target's finger...

Robert drives to Barter's Donut Shop...

Target #2: There's no Caps in the Donut Shop?!

Barter: You won't get away with robbing me.

Target #2: I will have fun killing you if you don't shut up!

Robert comes in aiming a gun at Target #2...

Barter: A little Kid with a Bounty Hunter Duster?

Target #2: Drop the gun or I won't hesitate to blow your brains out.

Robert shoots Target #2...

Robert takes a finger...

Barter: You look too young for Bounty Hunting.

Robert: I need the Caps and I can shoot a gun.

Robert walks out of Barter's Donut Shop...

Robert drives to Spa House...

Robert arrives at Spa House...

Target #3 relaxing in a Spa...

Target #3: The Raiders paid me a lot of money to sell their products in the container I haven't opened yet, it must be very important at that cost.

Robert enters the Spa House...

Robert aims a gun at the third and final Target...

Michel tackles Robert to the ground tying his hands together...

Michel: Boss, this Kid was seconds away from killing you.

Target #3 gets out of the Spa and walks over to Robert...

Target #3: I need to know what's in the container that's lead to a Kid Bounty Hunter after me.

Michel: Go ahead, this Kid isn't going anywhere.

Target #3 opens the Container...

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