Chapter 16

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Regina's POV-
After I left the hospital, I made my way to the Charming residence in search of Emma. On my way, I was thinking about whether Robin really wanted to be with Charlotte and I. I mean, he didn't even come after me when I left to find our daughter. What if he doesn't love Charlotte? What if he doesn't love me? What do I do?

After about a 5 minute walk, ( yes, I did walk) I knocked on their door and Mary Margaret answered.

"Regina! What are you doing here? You just gave birth yesterday. You should be in bed." She said. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes. Zelena took my baby." I said.

"What?! How? When?"

"This morning. I woke up and she wasn't in her crib" I said as I burst into tears.

"Oh Regina! We'll find her! We'll help you!" She said as David and Emma walked up behind her. She then explained my situation to them.

"So where do we start?" Said Emma.

"I don't know. I have no idea where she is with my baby" I said.

"Wait a minute, where's Robin? Shouldn't he be trying to find your daughter too?" Said Emma.

"Yeah but I don't know whether he wants to be with us or not."

"Ok, well we'll find her without him" said Emma.

"So we'll start at my house, where Zelena always seems to show up, and we'll go from there." I said.

I turn around and poof us to my house because I didn't really feel like walking forever after giving birth a day earlier. Once there, Emma kicked down the door and saw a green cradle sitting in the middle of the room.

"CHARLOTTE!" I scream.

"Regina, she's a baby. She can't tell you if she's good or not" says Emma.

" Does it look like I care, Swan? I want that son of a bitch Zelena to give my baby back!" I said increasing the volume of my voice.

I walk through the house and finally see Zelena sitting on the couch holding Charlotte.

"You son of a bitch!" I screamed and stormed towards her.

"Oh nuh uh uh!" Zelena said and with a wave of her hand, slammed me against the wall.

Emma's POV-
I walk through the hallway and see Regina laying against the wall.

"REGINA!" I scream.

Just then, Charlotte starts crying and I look up to see Zelena sitting on the couch holding her.

"Give me the baby, Zelena" I said.

"Now why would I do that?" She said.

"Because if you don't I will-"

"Oh please you little savior. You can't do anything and you know it"

I run up to the couch and reach for Charlotte, but she disappears into a cloud of green dust with Zelena.

Just then, Regina groans and lifts up her head.

"Where's my baby?" She said.

"Regina, I tried to get her, but she disappeared. Don't worry, we'll find her"

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