"you're not on your own anymore"

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y/n age: 17

y/n pov

Things have been super different lately. My mom and I used to be so close, we were like best friends. Now I can't help but feel like she hates me. It's fair to say things haven't been easy the past few years.. I guess for any of us. But I'm really not coping well with.. well life... and I just can't talk to her. But she's all I have and I need my person.

*knock knock*  "y/n, can I come in?" oh not mom. "sure wanda"

wanda pov

Things have been so much quieter, especially this year. Even in her early teenage years y/n was always talking and babbling about something. But now that I think about it I've not even properly spoken to her in a little while. I can't pretend I haven't noticed her struggling, but I expected nat to help her, yet for the third day in a row here I am knocking on her door to get her to come eat dinner with the rest of us. I really don't know what happened between the two of them. But either way y/n needs someone and I'm not standing back and letting her struggle alone any longer.

"hey honey, can we talk?"

"I guess so"

"So.. I think you need someone to talk to you about whatever's been going on lately.."

"Wanda nothing has been going on lately, everything's fine"

"y/n sweetheart I know you, it's okay if something is wrong! I'm here for you my love, you're not on your own anymore"

"... wan..."

I shift from my crouched position in front of her and sit back against her headboard, patting the space next to me for her to sit with me. As expected she does shift into my arms but she's really tense and seems uncomfortable. How long has it been since someone cuddled with her?

"Im not going to make you talk to me baby, just relax"

I pull her close to me as she rests her head in the crook of my neck while I comb my fingers through her hair, it's always calmed her since she was little.

y/n pov

I think this may be the calmest I've felt in such a long time while laying with wanda. I don't remember the last time I didn't feel anxious or honestly sad. I feel like it's been unhealthy how much I've craved my mothers touch but it's been so long since I've really had any attention from her that I'm not surprised I miss it.. and I guess neither is Wanda. Wanda and I have always been pretty close, she's my favourite aunt, and now I call her wands but she used to be aunt wan wan to me. She's definitely the next person after my mom that I'd go to if I needed someone and I think we've reached that point now. So after sitting here for about 15 minutes, I finally speak up..

"I just feel like everything is too much. Like why am I here? It's so hard to think that people want me here, even I hate me, my family hate me, surely the world would be better off witho..."

"y/n romanoff don't finish that sentence. I love you so much baby, you're family loves you. You're an incredible person and honestly we all really miss you lately. You haven't been around so much, it's been so quiet in the compound. I've really missed my little cuddle bug. You know when you were younger whenever I was sad you'd always know, and yous always run over to me, climb up into my lap and just hug me, and kiss me, and in your cute little voice say "don't be sad aunt wan wan I'm here, I cheer you up"."

" I really did that?"

"Yes baby you did. And now I'm going to do exactly that for you, I told you you're not on your own anymore. I'm here for you my love"

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