Birthday Girl

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Before Nayeon and Jeongyeon knew it, almost three months had flown by and the couple was stronger than ever. They had even discussed the idea of living together, which wasn't so much a discussion and more Jeongyeon telling Nayeon to move in with her because she missed her and Ryujin too much. Plus she was driving them to and from the company every day anyway. It would make more sense for them all to be under one roof.

Nayeon found it hard to argue with her logic. She had already packed a few boxes and sent them home with Jeongyeon.

Another milestone had been reached during this time. Ryujin was turning one and everyone was excited to celebrate. That's why this particular Saturday afternoon was a busy one at the Yoo family home.

Jeongyeon's parents had jumped at the chance to host such a special occasion; there wasn't anything they wouldn't do for their little princess.

Jeongyeon was currently in the kitchen with her father helping him prepare the birthday cake while everyone else was scattered throughout the house taking care of other party preparations.

"So what's this I hear about you and Nayeon moving in together?" Mr. Yoo queried.

"Appa, don't tell me you're still old fashioned," Jeongyeon said. She passed him a bowl of sliced strawberries. "Nayeon and I don't have to be married to live together." Her father chuckled.

"Oh I don't mind that, I know what young couples are like these days." Mr. Yoo carefully arranged the strawberries and gave it a nod of approval. "I'm just curious as to when you're going to make things official. Your mother and I aren't getting any younger, and we'd like to have a few grandchildren to spoil."

"You're only 57, that's not old at all," Jeongyeon laughed.

"I'd still like some grandchildren," Mr. Yoo stated. "Ryujin is a good start. Just marry her mother so we can add them to the family registry."

"We haven't been dating that long. It's too soon for us to get married."

Jeongyeon took the cake and put it away before Momo arrived. Knowing her, the dance instructor would try and steal some icing.

"When you're with the right person, time doesn't matter," Mr. Yoo said wisely. "I knew I wanted to marry your mother the moment I saw her. We were married less than a year later."

"Was it because you got eomma pregnant with Seungyeon unnie and harabeoji forced you to marry her?" Jeongyeon grinned. "You can tell me the truth appa."

"Get out of here you ungrateful child."

Mr. Yoo shooed his youngest daughter out of the kitchen, threatening her with his wooden spoon. Jeongyeon laughed and scurried out the back door where Nayeon and her sisters were out on the patio trying to hang some colorful streamers from the ceiling.

"Jeongyeonie, come here and give us a hand will you?" Soyeon beckoned her over.

"Yah, Im Nayeon! Get down from that ladder!" Jeongyeon demanded. "Do you want to fall and hurt yourself? Why didn't you come get me to do this?"

"I'm fine Jeong, don't be such a worry wart."

Nayeon leaned over dangerously to finish pinning the streamer she was holding, causing Jeongyeon's heart rate to rise to unsafe levels. She was next to the ladder in an instant.

"Get down right now while I'm still being nice," Jeongyeon said sternly.

"Quit being so bossy with your girlfriend or I'm going to tell eomma on you," Seungyeon warned.

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