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Two years. Had it really been only two years? It felt like a lifetime had passed since Nayeon last set foot in Korea. Perhaps in some sense it had been a lifetime; she wasn't the same young girl she used to be. That version of her had been gone for quite some time now. Would her friends even recognize the woman she had become?

"Excuse me."

An ajhussi in a hurry impatiently waited for Nayeon to move out of the way. She side stepped him, giving an apologetic smile and a small bow. He only huffed in return as he pushed past her. She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. The stewardess at the gate shared a look of sympathy with her.

At least someone was on her side.

Shaking off the encounter, Nayeon took in a deep breath as she stepped through the gate and entered Incheon International Airport. She thought maybe she'd feel some sense of relief as she breathed in Korean air for the first time in years, but she only felt disgust as the scent of body odor and fast food invaded her nostrils. Maybe she should have waited until she was out of the airport.

With one hand gripping her carry on and her other holding a tiny bundle close to her chest, she pressed forward towards the baggage claim. All the while her eyes swept the crowd, looking for two familiar faces, each passing moment that she didn't see them filling her with worry that they hadn't come. Maybe they had better things to do. Or something came up. Or-


Nayeon turned towards where she thought the voice was coming from but still saw no one.

"Nabongs! Over here!"

Hearing that particular voice brought a smile to her face. And then suddenly there they were.

Jihyo hadn't changed much at all. Her black hair was shorter now, hanging just past her shoulders, but she still looked the same as the day Nayeon left. As for Jeongyeon, the most striking change was her hair. She'd kept her brown hair super short all throughout school, earning the nickname "girl crush" from their classmates. That signature style was no more however as the young woman was now sporting black hair that touched her jawline.

The two made quite a striking pair with their black boots and jeans, though Jihyo wore a brown jacket over a black shirt while Jeongyeon had a black leather jacket with a black tee underneath.

Nayeon watched in amusement as the pair weaved around a group of excited female university students. A few of the girls gawked at Jeongyeon and started hitting each other, whispering and smiling. Jeongyeon didn't seem to notice her sudden budding fan club as she and Jihyo passed them by. Jihyo reached Nayeon first and pulled her into a tight hug, minding the bundle in her arms.

"It's so good to see you unnie," Jihyo said.

"It's good to see you too," Nayeon said, trying hard to swallow the lump in her throat.

They both tightened their hold on one another, feeling everything they wanted to say but couldn't. When Jihyo finally pulled away, her eyes were full of unshed tears.

"Don't cry," Nayeon said as she blinked away her own tears. Jihyo let out a watery laugh.

"You too unnie."

"You look ugly when you cry," Jeongyeon spoke up, ruining the emotional moment.

"Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon!"

Before Nayeon could scold the woman further, Jeongyeon pulled her into a hug.

"I missed you Nabongs."

And there went the water works again. Nayeon was positive she'd be a blubbering mess before they even made it to baggage claim. She took another deep breath, and this time she was greeted by the smell of warm vanilla and coconut. It was nice to know Jeongyeon's signature scent hadn't changed in the last two years.

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