(31) I Do

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Nine months later,

It was finally the day they say I Do, they hosted their wedding at Victor and Vanessa's beach house in the Hamptons. 

Lanie's maid of honors were Destiny and Dawson, and the best men were Clint and Scott. 


Today is our official wedding day, the day we begin our next chapter and I am honestly looking forward to our next chapter. I promise to love you, honor you, and be faithful to you till the day I die. You have become the man of my dreams and has shown me growth. I love you with my whole heart and soul." 


Baby you are the woman of my dreams and the love of my life. You came into my world and made me fall in love with your green eyes. In the days you were gone I realized just how much of asshole I was and how I treated you was wrong. From this day on I promise to love you, be faithful, protect you and care for you as long as we both shall live. I love you my gingersnap." 

They exchanged rings, and kissed. At the reception they shared their first dance to "Till Death Do Us Part" by Leroy Sanchez. 

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