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6 years passed away.....!!!!!!

Their lives took a great turn in this 6 years......specially batuk's.......After lot of encouragement from everybody finally he agreed to get married.....

He got married with a girl named drishti......

drishti was a well educated girl belongs from kolkata......Her father was a good friend of binoy.....

At very first meeting batuk told her everything about his past because he didn't wanted any misunderstandings between them.......

suprisingly.....she accepted his past......he was shocked......he thought it may be her compulsion to get married but she cleared all his doubts......the very first thing which attracted him to her.......

she was a kind hearted down to earth girl......easily accepted by everybody.......she easily got mingled with everybody.......

After marriage.....she wanted to help in business so everybody entertained her wish......

both worked very hard for their relationship........she helped him lot to move on from his past.......when he feels guilty she consoles him......

the saying is correct that someone in the world is made for you......

finally after many hurdles they both fall in love and get united from souls......

Bondita and asshita joined their respective works after rudhansh and dhairya was of 1 year.......

Everybody takes care of them in their absence......drishti takes care of them like her own sons......

After one year of their marriage drishti got pregnant.....

Everybody was on cloud nine specially batuk.......

Everybody took great care of her during her pregnancy including last 4 months of pregnancy bondita and asshita too had leaved their works and took care of her........

After lot of efforts finally bondita and aashita managed to win the trust of villagers........they were working hard day and night.......

Drishti gave birth to a beautiful baby girl......

Everybody squealed in happiness......after many ages rc's got a girl......batuk literally cried when he first time took her to his arms.....

They named her as MISHTI......the name was given by anirudh.......

They all were living like a big happy family......Their family was complete now......

Rudhansh and dhairya was now 6 years old......and mishti was 4 years old.....recently joined school with rudhansh and dhairya......

both were protective brothers for their only sister......

A bright morning in the RC mansion......

As usual three daughter in laws of house performed their morning veneration with their beloved kaka sasurji........ They took his blessings.......

Kaka : khush raho......aaj koi aaya hi nahi aarti ke liye.......

Bon : ksj aaj itwaar(sunday) hai........ bacche aur unke baba ghode bech kar so rahe hai.........aaj unhe uthana matlab registaan mein paani dhundna........

He laughed......

Kaka : thik hai par phir bhi utha do ab......

They nods......

Bondita came to room and saw a beautiful and adorable sight........

Anirudh was sleeping hugging rudhansh........

Anidita : Match Made In HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now