Chapter 8 - Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Author's Note: Aaaand this is the final chapter! Thank you all so much for joining us on this journey, and I hope y'all enjoyed it as much as we did! :D

~ Amina Gila

"You're... leaving with me?" Anakin asks, staring up at Maul, eyes wide. He – he has no idea what to think of that. He never expected Maul to actually go with him.

He didn't want to leave him either, but he just... didn't believe in the Jedi the way like he did only a year ago. So much has changed. He couldn't stay. That didn't mean the guilt over just leaving Maul was smothering him. But – but if he's coming with him....

Anakin doesn't know that that's good either, though. Because Obi-Wan still killed Qui-Gon, and Maul has every reason to not want to be anywhere near him.

But still, he's glad his master will come.

"Of course, I will," Maul replies, "You have no way to go anywhere on your own. Where do you intend to go?"

They're flying away from the Temple now, for what might well be the last time. Maybe Anakin will rejoin again someday, but now it's... not where he belongs. (Those padawans weren't wrong about that.)

"I wanted to find Obi-Wan," Anakin admits, "And... Mom." He could see her again. He doesn't know what she'll say, since he left her to be a Jedi, but that's not what he's doing anymore. He's still learning the Force, though, and he'll still be able to help people.

"I figured as much," Maul agrees. Something about him still seems distinctly unhappy, though. "Do you know how to find him?"

Anakin considered that a little, and there's really only way he knows of. "We hafta go to Mandalore," Anakin replies, "His family can find him."

"Are you aware how dangerous that could be? If they are collaborating with the Sith?" Maul asks.

His face falls. "I... But they know who I am. If I can explain..."

"We can take the chance," Maul agrees finally, grimly. He seems quite upset, and Anakin doesn't know why. Well, yes, he does. This is everything against what Maul believes, and he gave up everything just to... watch over him. Of course, he's upset. And it instantly floods him with guilt.

"I – I'm sorry," Anakin blurts, arms wrapping around his knees, "You – you gave up everything because of me."

Maul sighs quietly, turning away from the cockpit port to face him. "It's not that, Anakin," he promises, standing and laying a hand on his shoulder. "I am merely concerned about the safety of this. We do not know where their loyalties align. I do not want you to be hurt again."


"They don't like Plagueis," Anakin offers, after a moment, "And we can be careful. We can look around before anyone sees us."

"We can try," Maul agrees, touching his shoulder, momentarily.

Anakin leans forwards almost impulsively, wrapping his arms tightly around him. He's never actually hugged Maul before, no matter how much he's wanted to, but if Obi-Wan was fine with it, Maul as a Jedi would be too, right?

Maul freezes for a moment, before almost awkwardly slipping his arms around Anakin's shoulders, holding him against him.

"I could never regret coming with you, Anakin," he says, after a moment. His hand moves, almost uncertainly, slipping down his back. "I will continue training you, even if you are not part of the Order."

Anakin only hugs him tighter, in silent thanks.


Obi-Wan wasn't planning to go back to Mandalore any time soon, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he should, for whatever reason.

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