Chapter 4 - Twilight

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Author's Note: Do I need a warning for panic attacks? Panic attacks and serious slave trauma. :')

~ Amina Gila

It's been several days since he left Plagueis, and they stopped somewhere to have the ship repaired. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan's been thinking over what he plans to do. Right now, there's truthfully little. He'll have to wait until Plagueis continues to manipulate the new Chancellor Palpatine, and when the time is right, he'll take action against him.

For now, he needs to focus on training Anakin. He can't say what it is about the boy that draws him to him so much, but something does. He's... intriguing, and strangely light, despite how hard his life has obviously been. It doesn't really make sense.

They sit across from each other in the hold, meditating together.

He knew Anakin was reluctant to try using the Dark Side, or more accurately... meditating with an emotion instead of trying to get rid of them, but he doesn't seem to be having a hard time, now that he's doing as he was instructed.

Anakin's presence shines like a brilliant sun in the Force. It's completely untamed with how young he is, but it's overwhelming, especially when their Force presences are so... intertwined.

Obi-Wan can't stop himself from reaching out, lightly nudging their rapidly strengthening bond. He's never formed a bond with anyone this bright before. Maybe that's why it's almost overwhelming. He will make the perfect apprentice once he... understands.

Tentatively, almost shyly, Anakin responds, touching him back.

"We can continue your saber training," Obi-Wan decides, when they finish their meditation session.

Sometimes, Obi-Wan is almost surprised Anakin hasn't tried running again. But then again, he's pointedly not given him the chance and after whatever happened with Plagueis, Anakin seems far less inclined to take any such... risks. Unless he's just biding his time. He could be more clever than Obi-Wan is giving him credit for.

It's been a while since he last wore his Mandalorian armor, but now would be a good time.

Anakin is still waiting in the hold when he returns, in his armor. The marks of Clan Viszla (and Death Watch) are perfectly visible so people who know him could recognize it, but he's not overly worried about it.

They're staying on a planet in the Outer Rim right now, looking for bounty hunting missions since he needs to get supplies from somewhere.

"You're... Mandalorian, aren't you?" Anakin asks, looking up at him curiously.

"I am."

"I... didn't know there were Mandalorian Sith."

"They aren't mutually exclusive," he replies, mildly amused.

Anakin blinks. "What does that mean?"

... Right. Sometimes dealing with nine-year-olds, especially when Basic doesn't seem to be their first language, is complicated. "You can be one or the other at once. There's little connection."

"Are you the only Sith other than... your master?"

"We are. There can only be two. It is the only way we have been able to survive," Obi-Wan replies.

Anakin shifts, almost uncomfortably, but doesn't say anything.

"Come on," he urges, motioning for him to follow, and they head outside the ship. "I assume you can be careful with this?" Obi-Wan asks, withdrawing his lightsaber and holding it out.

Anakin brightens instantly. "I can use it?"

"If you're careful. It is not like your training sabers at the Temple." His lightsaber doesn't even have training mode – it's not something Plagueis ever believed in using on him. He always fought brutally, in lightsaber practice, forcing Obi-Wan to keep fighting even when he'd already been burned badly. But it made him more skilled, and he's going to use all of it against him one day.

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