The Nguruvilu

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The Nguruvilu is a fascinating creature from Mapuche mythology, originating from the indigenous Mapuche people of Chile and Argentina. It is believed to be a mythical water serpent with two heads, one on each end of its body.

As a water creature, the Nguruvilu is often associated with lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. It is said to dwell in hidden or secluded areas, demanding respect and caution from those who encounter it. The Nguruvilu is known for its cunning and strength, making it a force to be reckoned with in Mapuche folklore.

In the legends, the Nguruvilu is depicted as a malevolent creature capable of causing destruction and chaos. They are said to have the power to devour whole villages or drag unwary individuals underwater. Their presence can cause storms, floods, and other natural calamities.

To protect themselves from the Nguruvilu and other water spirits, the Mapuche people sometimes perform rituals and offerings. They seek the favor of the water spirits or deities through these practices to maintain a harmonious relationship and prevent harm.

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