Sly Captain and Sly Crow

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Kita's POV

I woke up at 4:30 am and do a bit of freshen up. I decided to cook for the day since I know all of us were pretty late last night and some were too tired to wake up early and some were just lazy.

As I am walking down the stairs I can hear faint noises of slicing and got curious. I slowly approach the kitchen and see Hinata in an apron cooking while humming.

I can feel my cheeks went red. Oh to be his husba- wait a minute ehem . Anyways I maintain a stoic face but was taken back when he see me.

Good morning Kita-senpai! he said in a morning voice and gave me a soft smile. I blush and return the smile and say

Good morning Hinata, Can I help you?

Sure ! He replied joyfully. Ah how to witness this every morning , I can start my day with a beautiful mood.

While helping Shoyo I can't help but to smile. It feels like I'm his husband and his my wife. As I was too lost imagining my future with him I accidentally slice my finger which makes me flinch.

Oh my Kita-senpai . He drag me near the sink and put my finger in running water. Then he get the first aid kit above the cabinet and treat my wound.

While his treating my wound, I can't help but to stare at his feature. His porcelain skin and his eyelashes that is long. His kissable lips that tempting me to kiss. Not to mention his hand is so soft and his blowing my wound makes him adorable.  I wonder if what face will he become when blowing my-

Kita-senpai you should be careful okay? He said while putting some band aid. I just nod and I can feel butterflies in my stomach.

I pinch his cheeks because I can't take it anymore. His too adorable. He pouted and I chuckled. I stop when he look at me.

Is there something wrong?   I ask him

Nothing Kita-senpai. He still looking at me. It's just you look more handsome when you chuckle ,.And  I think you should smile more  because you become more hotter. He stated without breaking eye contact.

I trapped him in my arms putting both in the sink while his in between facing me. It looks like I'm towering him and I can feel his breath.

Oh so you think I'm hot? I say in a deep voice .

I saw his blush become red and our face become closer and closer.

Ting! We both taken back and blush. I back away a bit and 

T-the muf-fins yeah haha Hinata said ackwardly and put some glove to get toe muffins out of the oven.

I can't believe this since when did I become bold?,tsk stupid  oven I almost kiss my I mean future wife.

We proceed to cook for the rest and we decided to wake the others up  but before we part ways he said


Yes Hinata?

Yes you're hot he said and wink at me after and run to wake the Itachiyama.

I can feel my heartbeat and feel like there is something druming on it. Ah this is bad. I think I've fallen even more.

//Timeskip //

Osamu's POV

As we are eating our breakfast I can't help but to witness the little interaction of Kita-san and Hinata. Whenever they have an eye contact they became red. Come to think of it they're the ones who cook breakfast today and also wake us all up.

Did something happen between them? Did the possibly kissed - I choke

*Cough*  * cough* ouch that hurts

Omimi patted my back and Akagi gave me some water.

Geez Samu slow down will ya? Atsumu said.

Hmmm. I replied

Are you okay now Osamu-san? Hinata ask

Yup. Btw Hinata did something happened between you and Kita san? I blurted and the entire table went quiet. Wow

W-what d-do y-you m-m-mean? He suttered. Eh something really happened?

Ehem ehem. I heard Aran and all heads turn to him

Captain he call Kita-san

Did you do something with my cousin? He ask NICELY while smiling

Geez didn't know Aran could be this scary.

But Kita-stan is still in his stoic face. I assumed that he will ignore him but I was taken back when he said

Nothing happened but-

BUT? Atsumu ask

3rd Person POV

He called me hot Kita said and smirk looking at Hinata.

Huh?!! all said in unison while Osamu and Atsumu stand and ask Hinata

Is it true?

Oh that yes I said that ,I mean did I lie? replied Shoyo smirking looking at Kita san too.

Geez how to called hot my this angel.Lucky!! The all thought except Aran of course.

And after that  they proceed to eat with bitter smile on their faces. And after eating Omimi and Riseki volunteered to do the dishes while others proceed to take a bath and get ready for the practice.

Captain how do you do that? Atsumu ask

Do what? Kita replied

To be called hot by that angel huhu.

Osamu smack his head and say
Stop bothering Captain Tsumu

But -but Samu aren't you jealous to?!!!!!

Osamu just sigh.

Well I think your hot too Osamu-san

The three of them was taken back by the sudden voice which belong to the sunshine.

I-what? Osamu blushes and couldn't form what to say

How about me Shoyo?? Atsumu ask

You're pretty hot to Atsumu-san , All of you actually.  He said while looking us three.

This made Atsumu froze too.

Shoyo chuckled which make the three look at him with red faces.

We'll see you later I guess I need a bath. Shoyo said  leaving the three dumbfounded.

Can I join you then? Atsumu ask.

Next time, okay? Shoyo replied then walk away

Atsumu  froze again.

He didn't expect for Shoyo to be like that.

And after that Kita and Osamu just drag the frozen Atsumu while muttering "next time " and proceeded to their assigned room to get ready .

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