Chapter 2: New Member

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Sugawara's POV

Today is a great day .. I am now a third year and still playing volleyball. We actually have an interesting first years. Btw. I'm Sugawara Koushi , 17 years old.

As I was walking to my classroom I suddenly bump into someone.

Hey are you okay?I ask and try to see his face cause he seems new. And I lend my hand to help him get up.

Yes, I'm sorry I was lost in my thoughts. He respond with a soft smile. I can feel my face heat up the moment I saw his features. He's hot and good looking guy.

(/////) Uhmm. i-it's o-k-ay.  I said while staring at him . Aackkk  *badump*    *badump* my heart is getting wild.Is this what they called love at first sight?why is he so handsome? I noticed that he stares at my face.

Are you okay? he ask a little concerned.

I snapped back to reality.

Do-n't w-worry, I'm f-fine. I respond with a smile. Seriously?Why am I suttering. something wrong in my face? he ask me.Damn I can't help but to stare at him.

Are you ang angel?Am I gonna die?.I suddenly blurted and I internally scream because of my stupidity.

Huh? he confusedly ask.

Ah nothing. I answered as my face getting hotter.

Are you sure you're okay? your face is really red. he ask again.

Of cour-se. I answer.

Ano can u bring me to the principal's office? He ask while fidgetting his finger.

Aww cute , so he's really new.Lookslike my last year will be fun.

Sure come follow me. I said and start moving while he was following me

We walk together and the students keep staring at my back, I know who wouldn't this guy right there is like a Goddess.But then, I suddenly snap back that I haven't get his name .Like seriously?Koushi?Hmm maybe I should get his number too?after getting his name?Wtf since when did I become bold?I shook my head and look at him.

My bad.I didn't get your name.

I'm Shoyo Hinata, 1st year. He stated

I'm Sugawara Koushi, 3rd year. I said while looking at him.

He suddenly stop walking and bow 90 degree to me. I was shock and was about to say something .

Wahhh! I'm sorry senpai! Senpaii ackk

Hey it's okay , besides it's nice meeting youI said with a smile.

I then notice that his face got red and he looks away .And I also just notice that we are in the principal's office. He turn his gaze to me

Thank you so much suga-senpai. *Bundump*  *budump*
Ghad what will I do to youu .You literally struck my heart.

My face heated and I hold my nose because I'm about to have a nosebleed.Damn that smile.Bad for my heart.

You're welcome sugar. I said with a wink and pat hid head and then  I walk away while still holding my nose.

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