Its first date time! •12•

Start from the beginning

Divina: *choking and blushing from embarrassment*

Yoko: Babe don't be embarrassed, you know I'm bold about people I care about.

Ajax: Yea these two have hella chemistry.

Griffin: Have you tried some of Divina's blood yet Yoko?

Yoko: Few times now.

Dawn dramatically run away and made herself fall. Divina punched Yoko in her arm and then everyone started laughing.

Kent: Andddd She's long gone by now.

Ajax: Holy shit was that funny!

Xavier: Highlight of the day

Bianca: Oh you two are so trending by the way, Yokovina is literally everyone's favorite ship-

Yoko and divina: IM SORRY? WHO STARTED THAT???? *they are both blushing*

Enid: Guilty! And you can't kill me Yoko cause divina won't let youuuuu!!!!

Divina: She's not wrong-

Yoko: You won't be so lucky next time ens.

The bell rang and the group separated, Today was only 5 class periods long, and Yokovina has every class together that day and everyone kept staring and calling them adorable, hell people moved seats so Yokovina could sit next to each other. It's 3rd period and it's math class. It's halfway through when suddenly divina feels a hand on her thigh. Yoko whispered to divina

The conversation between the two:

Yoko: Im bored my love, let's go to the bathroom.

Divina: Why and class is almost over.

Yoko: Yea but I want you instead then being in here

Divina: Patience babe, we have free period next

Yoko: Can't I just play with you a little until then??

Divina: No you crazy, your horny self is just going to have to wait

Yoko: Ughhh fine my love, just for you. But since you're making me wait, you'll miss our last classss~

Divina: Hmm not if I only let you make out with me.

Yoko: Oh that's so cruel my love, pure torture as well.

Divina: You'll live hon.

Yoko rolled her eyes and proceeded to pay attention to the lesson. Divina payed attention as well then the bell rang. They both grabbed their bags and Yoko immediately took Divina's hand and they went to the library. Divina chuckled and broke free from Yoko's grip.

Divina: Hm, I changed my mind babe, besides I've got student council things to work on.

Yoko: Ughh, fine I'll wait until till Friday, weems is getting soundproof walls for my dorm. What is the council doing now?

Divina: going over the budget and theme for the rave'n. Can't believe it's only 5 weeks away.

Yoko: Oh right, I forgot I gotta attend that for my father.

Divina: He's making a donation as well?

Yoko: Yep, I'm assuming you or your brother is representing Ceci?

Divina: Yup Kent is. Well you go get Kent then I'll see you both in the meeting.

Yoko: Ughh fine, see you princess.

Divina; Bye my love. 

They both went their separate ways and then saw each other in the student council meeting + the donors for the dance. Divina was with the other council members and Yoko was with the other donors for the dance. The meeting started and went smoothly, the budget was made, and the theme was set. The meeting ended and Yoko and the twins headed for their last class as they had it together.

" 𝘛𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘥𝘶𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵" - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 Siren and Vampire in love ♥️🩵Where stories live. Discover now