Chapter 1

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Ruby was at Beacon as she was trying to talk to Weiss who didn't want to see or speak to her at all. 

"Come on Weiss." Ruby said

"No Ruby I'm done with you. I'm leaving this team and that's final." Weiss said

"Why, Where are you going Weiss?" Ruby asked

"I'm not telling you anything, Ruby." Weiss replied

"No I won't let you leave me, Weiss!" Ruby shouted

"Get out of my way! Stop acting like a child Ruby and get off my leg this instant!" Weiss shouted

"Not until you agree to stay here with me." Ruby said

"Ugh do you do this to your sister Yang?" Weiss asked

"N-No not really Weiss." Ruby replied

"Then why are you doing this to me?" Weiss asked

"B-Because I um I don't know." Ruby said

"What are you saying? I mean you came to stop me from leaving right?

Now you don't have anything to say to me what a waste of time." Weiss said

"I'm so sorry Weiss." Ruby said

"Anyway so long Ruby. Oh don't even think of following me." Weiss said

"Wait Weiss I love you so please stay here with the team and me." Ruby said

"Let me stop and think for a minute. No I'm doing that and there's nothing you can do about it." Weiss said

"You know if Ruby can't convince you to stay then maybe I can Weiss." Blake said

"Ahhh Blake you scared me! Wait what about Yang?" Weiss asked

"I'll talk to her later." Blake replied

"Oh uh I um don't know what to say Blake." Weiss said

"Would you stay here at Beacon if I kissed you?" Blake asked

"Huh what's going on? Wait are you two together?" Ruby asked

"What no don't be crazy Ruby we are just friends." Weiss replied 

"Weiss I beg you again to not leave Beacon." Blake said

"I wish I could stay Blake." Weiss said

"Why don't you Weiss?" Blake asked

"Because Blake I know you are already with Yang, plus you don't need me around." Weiss replied

"That's not true Weiss. Well I guess I am with Yang even though I'm not entirely happy with her." Blake said

"Hey um guys I'm leaving now so see you later." Ruby said

"Wait Ruby where are you going? Blake asked

"Oh uh somewhere important." Ruby replied

"What was that all about?" Weiss asked 

"I don't know maybe Ruby is hiding something from us."Blake replied

"Well whatever it is we better find out what she's keeping from us. Hey Blake if I do decide to stay it would only be for you Blake or maybe Pyrrha. Anyway would that make you happy?" Weiss asked

"Yes it would make me the happiest girl alive!" Blake said excitedly.

"Hey look at that your cat ears are moving around in excitement." Weiss said

"I-Is that so I-I guess I'm just um oh no I don't know what to say to you Weiss." Blake said

As Blake was speechless Weiss was trying to figure out how to help Blake out.

Meanwhile Ruby was speaking to Emerald and Mercury about Cinder.

"Listen to me Ruby I know you don't like Cinder at all after what she did to you and your friends but I'm begging you to go and save Cinder from a mission that Salem gave her." Emerald said

"Huh what are you taking about Emerald?" Ruby asked

"Didn't you hear a single word Emerald said to you Ruby or are you deaf?" Mercury asked

"No I'm not deaf Mercury but I can't go save Cinder. She already made her choice." Ruby replied

"Admit it you want her gone forever Ruby!" Mercury shouted

"Is that how you really feel about Cinder, Ruby?"Emerald asked

"What no that's not the reason  I don't want to go on this mission you are giving me plus my friends and uncle have told me Cinder is dangerous." Ruby replied

"She's not that bad once you get to know her." Mercury said

"That's the thing I have no intention of getting to know Cinder." Ruby said

"You have no idea what's she's been through Ruby." Emerald  said

"Even so I can't do this for you guys or even Cinder herself. I'm so sorry Emerald and Mercury." Ruby said

"Oh so you would do something like this if your friend Weiss was this type of situation?" 

Mercury asked

"What are you saying Mercury?" Ruby asked

"Don't listen to him Ruby but if you don't save Cinder from Salem 

then she won't be able to make it." Emerald replied

"F-Fine I'll do it!" Ruby shouted

"Oh and Ruby don't tell any of your friends about this conversation we had got it." Mercury said

"Why not?" Ruby asked

"Because if you do I'll make sure you won't be able to walk anymore." Mercury replied 

"Hey Mercury don't threaten Ruby like that otherwise she won't help us out." Emerald said

"Humph whatever just make sure Cinder is alive for us ok Ruby." Mercury said

"Wait what do you mean by alive?" Ruby asked

"We want you to bring Cinder back to us alive." Emerald replied

"I don't get what you guys are saying at all." Ruby said

"It's so simple Ruby. How could you not get it?" Mercury said

"Can you help us or not?" Emerald asked

"I said I'd help you out didn't I?" Ruby asked

"I suppose you did. Thank you so much Ruby." Emerald replied

"So how do I find Cinder?" Ruby asked

"Here we will show you her current location." Both Emerald and Mercury said

Ruby followed Emerald and Mercy as they showed her a map and pointed to the spot where Cinder was at.

"Alright I'll go find her tomorrow." Ruby said

"Great Ruby." Emerald said

"We are counting on you Ruby so don't mess this up." Mercury said

"I won't Mercury." Ruby said

Ruby felt so confused and worried at the same time. What if she couldn't accomplish her mission that was all about Cinder. She couldn't give up so easily. Ruby knew that  tomorrow was the day she was going to go find Cinder but first she had to pack her things and supplies. Ruby thought about what Mercury and Emerald said not to say a word to her friends where she was going that also included her best friend who she loved dearly Weiss. Ruby couldn't wait to go on her mission. However Ruby knew she needed to sleep so that the next day she'll be ready for her journey to find Cinder the next day.

Fire Red RubyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora