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"How are things with Jennie?" Nayeon teased her cousin after she was served the coffee that she had ordered. "It's been so wonderful. I am so happy." Y/N giggled and sat down opposite Nayeon. "How's the girls?" Nayeon had to ask about them too. "They've been silent. And you know me? I'm not the type to initiate a conversation unless you start. It's like I have no idea how to talk to the other three anymore." Y/N groaned. "No idea? Dude, yeah, you're no longer in love with them but that doesn't mean the other girls and you should throw away the good memories from all these years." Nayoen advised. "The girls probably hate me," Y/N spoke about what she thinks. "I don't think the girls hate you. I don't think they are capable of feeling like that toward you but maybe angry and heartbroken?" Those were the truths. "What? They're angry at Jennie and heartbroken because of me?" Nayeon shrugged, "Pretty much."

It has been a week since what happened. "Hey, everything will be okay," Nayeon assured. "The girls and you will get through this. I know it." Y/N gave a thankful smile to her cousin before telling her that the coffee was on the house. "I thought it already was." Nayeon joked. Y/N finished her shift and left after the next crew arrived. "Where are you heading now?" Y/N asked Nayeon who was on the phone. "I'm picking up your girlfriend." The older cousin casually answered but Y/N was busy making sure she got her things after leaving her workplace so she only heard it briefly. "Sorry, what?" Nayeon laughed when Y/N showed that she was confused. "I am picking your girlfriend up," Nayeon said again. "She's not my... girlfriend." Y/N blushed and hide her face. "Yet. You forget that word." Y/N rolled her eyes and showed her cousin the middle finger.

"I drove Jennie to her yoga session before coming to your workplace so I could waste time before I have to pick her up again. She should be done in 15 minutes." Nayeon told. "Do you want to pick her up?" Y/N gave her cousin a look. "It's that allowed?" Nayeon shook her head and pinched both her cousin's cheeks who was pushing her hands away. "You're adorable, sometimes," Nayeon said that she'll text Kwangjoo that Y/N will be picking Jennie up and not her. "See? Kwangjoo oppa said it's alright so come on, follow me in your van." They walked to their vans. "I didn't give my answer." Nayeon stopped in her tracks and turned around with folded arms.

"Yes, I want to pick her up," Y/N answered even though the answer had already been answered minutes ago.

After following Nayeon in her van, they arrived. Nayeon told Y/N to wait in her van while she goes in to get Jennie. Y/N took this time to make sure she looked presentable since Jennie would be here. "That's my girl," Y/N whispered when Jennie walked out. She was seen in workout attire with sunglasses on and hair in a high ponytail. Y/N waited for Nayeon to give her the signal to roll down her passenger-side window. The signal was out so Y/N rolled down. "Hey, princess," Y/N called out. Jennie looked up since she was avoiding who she thought was a stranger because she did not recognise the van. "Baby!" Jennie cheered. She scrambled to get the door open so she could get to Y/N. Jennie practically jump onto Y/N's lap once she got into her van. Y/N laughed and held onto the younger girl so she would not hurt herself on the steering wheel. "What are you doing here?" Jennie asked after pulling away but remaining on the older's lap.  "Came to pick my girl up, of course." Y/N removed the strands of hair that had fallen out of the younger's ponytail.

"I'm still here." Nayeon broke the tension. "Sorry." Y/N apologised before giving her cousin a wink and mouthed a, "thank you." "Just text the other managers and me when you send her back to the dorm. Have fun." Nayeon left and Y/N rolled up the window. "How was the yoga session?" Y/N asked. "I'm sore." Jennie's hand landed on her waist which was now replaced with Y/N's hand and a worried expression. "I'm fine. I'm even more flexible now." Y/N made eye contact with the younger after hearing what she said. "Just saying." Jennie winked. The older cleared her throat and tried to suppress the blush from coming onto her cheeks. "Now, come on, get off my lap so I can drive." Jennie's lap was tapped by Y/N.

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