Oh, it's her.

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"It's been two weeks, Y/N," Nayeon told. "When are you going to talk to them?" Jihyo asked from behind. "They are worried sick. They kept asking me if I know what happened to you. They asked if they did something wrong again or if any of their family members did or said something." Nayeon revealed. By now everyone, except the girl group, knew what was happening. "I don't want to hurt their feelings," Y/N mumbled after stopping the van at a red light. "You already are doing it by not talking to them for the last two weeks." Nayeon has had enough. Jihyo had to place a comforting touch on Nayeon for her to calm down. "I work with the girls every day. Things aren't going smoothly because the girls are affected by what you're doing right now. Think of others too!" Nayeon jabbed into Y/N's arm with each word. 

"I am thinking about the others! I am thinking about the other's feelings when I revealed that I am no longer in love with the other three because, at this rate, I want her so badly. I need-" Jihyo had to cut off Y/N since her eyes were not focused on the road ahead. "Nayeon, Y/N is driving. We don't want to get into an accident, do we?" Jihyo scolded the two older women. "Listen," Nayeon spoke after some time. "We don't know what will happen once you tell them but they deserve to know. It will hurt them, yeah but they need to know, Y/N." Nayeon begged. After dropping the others off, Y/N decided to drive around to relax her mind. She noticed there were many street food stalls and decided to park nearby and head out to buy some. 

She entered her van back after buying what she wanted. Eating in silence while also thinking about how to break the news to the four of them. Y/N took her phone and scanned for her name. She misses her the most. There was a high chance that all four of them will be there although Y/N only called one. She's taking that risk. 

"Hello?" Y/N greeted. 

"Hello?! Oh my gosh. You finally called!" The member was freaking out. "Let me get the girls!" That's when Y/N had to stop her. 

"No no, please don't. I just want to talk to you." Those words left Y/N's mouth.

"Oh, alright. I guess it doesn't hurt when there's only me."

There was a long pause as both women dared not initiate the conversation. Both felt wrong as they should all be together and not alone. 

"What happened, baby?" She had to ask. 

"I miss you." Y/N didn't answer but instead told one truth. 

"I miss you too. We all miss you." Of course, the member included the others. 

"Do you have anything important tomorrow? Wait, I should ask your managers." Y/N asked.

"No no, we don't have anything important tomorrow." The members were known to drop everything else for Y/N.

"I will ask your managers and plan from there." Y/N did not allow the younger's words to get to her. 

"I hope you're okay. The girls and I will always be here for you."

"Thank you for telling me that." Y/N's voice dropped into a whisper. 

They said goodnight and ended the call. Y/N sent a text to Kwangjoo about the girl group's schedule. After knowing when she could see them, Y/N planned and sent a text to the four of them. She headed home after that.  

It's been a few days. Y/N was still seated in her van that was parked at the dorm's car park. Nayeon had told the girls to expect Y/N's arrival at night. It was almost 9 pm and Y/N was supposed to arrive by 8:30 pm. "You are not doing anything wrong. This kind of thing can happen." Y/N gave herself a pep talk. She took the bags of bubble tea that she had bought for the girls and prepare to head on up. After pressing on the doorbell and knocking twice, Y/N waited. The front door opened and Y/N hoped she was the one greeting her.

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