Chapter Ten: Having Some Fun

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Katerina and Cal wrote to Richard and Alice while Jack put the diamond back in Richard's safe. Meanwhile, in the smoking room, Joseph and Lovejoy came up to Richard and Nathan to tell them that Katerina and Cal hasn't been seen in hours. No stewards had seen them anyway. Richard and Nathan couldn't understand how Katerina and Cal had suddenly disappeared. It was a large ship but it's not like they couldn't left it as they were still in the Atlantic Ocean. Richard and Nathan just told Joseph and Lovejoy to go and find them.

Up on deck, everyone was at work ensuring that the ship got to its destination. There wasn't a cloud in sight nor any fog, wind, or icebergs. Not even the sea was rough that night. It was so calm. But it was so dark out. Not even the moonlight helped them to see anything because there was a new moon that night. One of the officers commented to the captain that the lack of the moon would make the iceberg harder to see.

But the Captain was confident that they would make it to America ahead of schedule with a night like this and decided to turn in for the night, leaving the officers in charge. Back to First Class. As Jack and Cal were waiting for Katerina to get changed, he went to the promenade deck to look out the window. But Jack could feel the cold night air, Cal took off his coat and put it on Jack, kissing his head, just as Katerina was finished getting dressed. The three had just met in the same room when there was a knocking on the door.

Katerina grabbed Cal and Jack's hand and started to drag them out of the door. Jack wanted to quickly grab his drawings but there was no time. Katerina took Cal and Jack to another room where there was another door they could leave through. Joseph and Lovejoy head the door close and went to investigate. But the three were gone by the time Joseph and Lovejoy got into the room. They were thought the door Katerina, Cal, and Jack escaped from and saw them down the hall.

The trio looked back at see them there and started to walk faster. Not before that started to run instead. They made it to one of the lifts and asked the lift operator to bring them down. Joseph and Lovejoy made it just as they started to head down. Katerina and Cal flipped them off as they disappear below deck. Lovejoy and Joseph watched them disappear before running to get and take the stairs. The three made it down to E Deck and started to run down to run down to the deck below them.

They stopped in a corridor to catch their breath. Lovejoy and Joseph made it to the lift only to see that the three were now gone and the lift was going back up. Jack commented on the fact that Lovejoy and Joseph was pretty tough for a valet and seemed more like a cop. Katerina and Cal said that they think they used to be one. Through the window of a door, they saw Lovejoy and Joseph who made it below deck and started to run again when they spotted them.

They ran down the corridor which led to a dead end but Jack noticed a door and the three ran in, locking it behind them. Jack looked at a hatch below them which led to the boiler room. Katerina and Cal asked him what they should do now but Jack couldn't hear them. They just decided to go down and see if there was another way out. Just as they got down, one of the men who ordered everyone around noticed the trio and told them they shouldn't be down there.

They started to run again, through all the smoke, and workers, not caring if they would get in trouble for being down there. After all the running they did, they made it to cargo hold where larger luggage was being kept along with a car. The three went over to it and Jack examined it. Katerina and Cal cleaned their throats, wanting to get into the back. Jack opened the door from them and helped them in and closing the door behind them.

Jack got into the driver's seat as Katerina pulled the window down from Cal and her to see him. Jack honked the horn, asking Cal and Katerina where they wanted to go. Cal and Katerina told him they wanted to go to the stars before dragging Jack into the back seat with them. Jack laughed as he was pulled into the back seat with Cal and Katerina. He sat in between Cal and Katerina, held them close, just admiring them. He asked if they were nervous to which they replied that they weren't. Katerina then started to kiss Jack and Cal's hands before looking at both of them, asking them to put their hands on her.

They obliged as the three of them started to make out, heavily. Above deck, in the Crows nest, two lookouts were keeping an eye out for anything. One of them complained about how cold it was up there but bragged to his friend that he could smell ice when it was near. His friend called it bollocks but he assured his friend it was true. Below them, Murdoch asked one of the officers if they had found binoculars for lookout. The officer explained that he hadn't seen them since they left Southampton.

But he had to leave on his rounds. Murdoch decided to keep a lookout too, just in cases. Meanwhile, back in the cargo hold, the windows of the car were all steamed as Katerina, Cal and Jack made love in the back seat. Katerina's hand came up, making a hand print on the steamed glass before slowly coming back down. Inside, the three caught their breaths as they finished their little session. The trio were sweaty and exhausted but never but never regretted a thing. The three just layed there, calming down for a bit.

Soon, a boiler worker showed two crew members where he had seen Katerina, Cal, and Jack ran off to. They went looking for them in cargo hold. Meanwhile, back in First Class, Richard, Nathan, Alice had returned to the room after Lovejoy and Joseph had told them what they had seen. Richard opened his safe to reveal the drawing, he called over Alice and they saw a note saying "Darlings, no you can keep us both locked up in your safe. Katerina and Cal." After looking at both, Richard and Alice went to rip them but stopped themselves, claiming that they had a better idea.

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