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Older Katerina ⬇️

12,500 feet under the sea sits the infamous Titanic

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12,500 feet under the sea sits the infamous Titanic. The biggest cruise ship of its next to her sister ships, the Britannia and the Olympic. But the Titanic was the most famous after the sinking of her first voyage, taking more than 1,500 souls with her. As of today, it has been 111 years since the disaster. But our story place eighty-four years after the disaster in 1997. Titanic had been found, at last. Now people go down for treasure and anything they can take from the bottom of the ocean.

But the divers I'm about to introduce are looking for something small but precious. This group of people has traveled to the bottom of the ocean just to find it. In their submarine, they approached it slowly decaying ship that had been laying on the ocean floor for years. One of the men, Brock Lovett, used a camera to record this moment. He believed that he could finally find what they had been looking for. They just needed to get one of the First Class rooms.

Despite being down their mutable times by the point, it still shocked everyone to see that once magnificent ship lying broken on the seabed, now being used as a home for the ocean life. They soon stopped on the roof of the officer's quarters to the Grand Staircase, ready to launched a little rover to search the rooms. They launched the rover and worked their way through the wreck. Inside, they could see the destruction that the sinking had caused inside.

All the furniture had been tipped over or cast to the wall, old shoes of a former passenger lay in the sand along with the face of a porcelain doll. The rover entered the room where the door had come off it's hinges. They had found the room they needed to be in. They went up to the fireplace before turning to the right and seeing another room. They made the rover go in to see that it was the bedroom a former passenger used to sleep in.

Brock noticed a wardrobe door and asked his friend, Lewis Bodine, to get the rover to pick it up. He wanted to know what was underneath it. The rover let out a pair of robotic arms to lift the door off the floor. Once they had moved it aside, they found just what they were looking for: a safe. They brought it up to the surface where everyone on a giant ship was already celebrating their success, believing they would be paid for what they had found.

As one of the crew started to get the safe open, Lewis opened a champagne bottle to celebrate while Brock took out a cigar to smoke. When they got to door off, brown water came pouring out of the safe, along with a few pieces of paper. Brock went forward and started to search through every inch of the safe. It was all decaying paper that wasn't worth saving and something in the leather that could be saved.

But none of it was what they were looking for. It was now revealed that they were looking for a diamond. But it wasn't in the safe. Despite this, they tried to preserve what they found in the safe. Brock got on the phone with the people he was working with, explaining that they hadn't found the diamond but not to worry as there were still more places to check. But, out of the bad news, came good news.

While cleaning up what was in the leather, there was revealed to be a drawing inside. A drawing of a naked woman and a man next to her, the woman was wearing the diamond they were looking for. They compared the picture. It was a match. If that wasn't enough, the date at the bottom read 'April 14th, 1912' and the initials 'JD'. This information wasn't much m, but it was enough to get more clues about where the diamond could be.

But let's go away from the sea for a little bit. In a small house lived a very elderly grandmother with her grand daughter, Caroline, and her great granddaughter, Rose. Caroline was getting ready for lunch with her daughter and grandmother while she and Rose was making potty. In the background, a small TV was on. A newswomen started to talk about the Titanic and that Brock was on the radio phone to talk with the news station. Talking about the ship got the Grandmother's attention.

Brock talked about how he was interested in the untold stories of the ship and all the secrets that went down with the ship that fateful night. He explained how he and his team were using robots to go further into the wreck, further than anyone had gone before. The Grandmother stood up from her chair as her great granddaughter help her and walked over to the TV using her cane for support along with Rose. Caroline asked what was bothering her but the grandmother only asked that the TV be tuned up.

Caroline turned up the volume up as Brock talked more about what he was up to in the North Atlantic. He explained that he had museum-trained experts with him to prevent everything they had recovered before showing anyone watching the drawing they had found. The Grandmother looked at the picture in shock, recognizing that women and the man in the drawing. Later that night in the Atlantic, Brock and his team were getting ready to launch the submarines into the water for another look around the Titanic. That's when his friend, Bobby, walked up to him with important news.

"Brock! There's a satellite call for you." Bobby told Brock.

"Bobby, we're launching. You see these submersibles going in the water?" Brock asked his friend.

"Trust me, buddy. You want to take this call."

Looking into this friends' eyes, he knew he was telling the truth about that. So, he walked over to the radio to talk with whoever was on the phone. Bobby told Brock to speak up as she was kind of old. Brock took the satellite phone from his friend.

"This Brock Lovett. How can I helpyou, Mrs..." Brock tried to get the same Bobby.

"Hockley-Dawson. Katerina Hockley-Dawson." Bobby told Brock.

"Mr.. Hockley-Dawson."

"I was just wondering ifyou had found the Heart ofthe Ocean yet, Mr. Lovett." Katerina said to him.

Brock looked at the Bobby in complete shock.

"Told you you wanted to take the call." Bobby said with a smirk on his face.

"All right,you have my attention, Katerina." Brock said. "Can you tell us who the woman and the man in the picture is?"

"Oh,yes. The woman in the picture is me. And the man is one of my two husbands."

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