Finale: The Real Trophy

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Many weeks later.....

Spencer nervously fisted gloved hands against his helmet, breathing heavily as the opposing team scored again. The score was at 20-12, and the Crenshaw Chargers were a point behind during the life change Championship game. His team needed to win this to guarantee a good number of seniors on this team on spots on D1 college teams next fall. Plus, if Spencer could help his team pull this off, it'd be the first Championship game that they won almost six years. After the winning streak, they'd worked hard to keep during playoffs, They couldn't lose this gams.

"Damn it!" Chris puffed next to him, pulling at his jersey in frustration. "What are they doing?!" He referred to the lack of team focus, stretching his arms out, gesturing to the rest of the team as they all began to group back together after another failed play.

The defense was really off their game tonight. The sophomore, cornerback, Roman, missed his opening.

"What the hell, man?!" Chris jumped down his throat when Roman jogged past him, prepping the part of the game.

"Shove it!" Roman stomped off, shoving Chris' hand off his shoulder pads. "I'm doing my best!"

"You all need to get your shit together," Chris gritted his teeth as they because to lineup at the field line. There was only 2:46 left in the game. If they could get a touchdown and then hold the other team off, then they'd win!

Spencer took a quick peek at the band section of the blenchers, where the dancers sat with the school band, entcing school spirit throughout the game. Olivia performing one of her many stand dances with her squad members, grooving to the bass and drums of the band rhythm. He saw her glance backwards for a split second, sending him a warm smile while her body continued to perform.

He felt warmth through his whole body, and Spencer decided he wouldn't let her or the rest of his school down by losing this Championship game. He'd make sure he'd be a winner -- good enough for such a wonderful girlfriend. 

"HIKE!" Chris shouted. The moment went by in a flash, the ball was tossed to Spencer. He took off down the field. Glancing over his shoudler, Spencer saw a player from the other team was hot on his heels.

Dodging player from one side then,  then plummeting to the ground to stop a tackled, Spencer twisted the ball around to clutch it to his chest, as he hopped back to his feet quickly. The heel of his cleats dug into the damp grass as he bolted to the end zone.

Spencer didn't hear the cheers, the announcement shouting in excitement, Coach Baker yelling or his teammates joy. All he heard was the thunderous beat of his heart as he caught his breath, processing what he'd just done.

He was in a daze as his team hugged him, celebrating their win. Coach Baker gave him a firm shake, congratulating his star receiver. 

"Way to go man!" Chris shouted, throwing his arms arounds Spencer who smiled in response, his eyes beginning to search the crowd of happy Crenshaw Chargers. 

The team and cheerleaders surrounded him while heard the band in the distance, who were playing the schools Alma Mater Spencer gently nudged through the crowd of people, looking for her.

"You did it" a small hand tugged on his jersey, shifting him around to face her. 

He met two beautiful chocalate eyes shinning, wrapping his hands around her waist to bring Olivia closer.

"Congratulations," she gushed, "I am so proud of you!"

Olivia grasped his, rising on the tip of her jazz shoes to kiss him. Spencer immediately closed his eyes and kissed her back, ignoring the large huddle of community peers and celebratory chants.

There nice moment was broke a sudden splash of cold, blue Gatorade over theirs heads as Spencer's team member, laughed, shouting, "MVP!" 

Lucy let him go, shaking off the drips of Gatorade ftom her hands as she giggled in excitement. Spencer smirked, "Blue is your color, you know?" He playfully teased. 

"Shut up!" Olivia scolded him, playfully nudging him away from her. 

Shaking her drenched curls, Olivia pouted as continued to chuckle at her, ignoring his own wet clothing.

Olivia smiled down at her feet, as he guided her back into his personal space, gently motioning her wet curls from her face. 

"I hate you." she giggled childishly, pouting amusingly 

Dipping his head, he guided her chin upwards, so his lips met hers. He kissed her for not only the school, but the community of Crenshae to see.

Releasing Olivia's lips, Spencer grinned at girlfriend. "I love you too."

----------------------------------------The End----------------------------------------

(Thanks for reading. I will be posting my new Spelivia book in a few days. ;)

Preview Summary: Bigtime NFL star, Spencer James, has surpassed every obstacle in his life, but when an unexpected package shows up on his doorstep, his life will be flipped on its axis. 

"HI, I'm Gracianna Corilynn James, and I'm your daughter." ) 

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