Do We Have A Problem

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Lunch period ended so the girls were forced to leave for class, while Olivia decided to locate her new locker. She searched and counted the line of lockers until she found hers. Hating combination locks, Olivia concluded that it was better to practice unlocking her lock so she wouldn't struggle when she returned to school on Monday.

While she twisted the lock back and forth, attempting to open the locker she heard footsteps shuffling behind her. Seeing a silhouette of a student stopping two lockers down to her left, Olivia listened to him curse under his breath, upset that he forget his work journal in his locker, forcing him to double back from his current class.

"Ma gonna kill me if I get another detention, man." The rough tone groaned into his Samsung galaxy buds. "Yeah, Carter gon spill the beans as soon as he hears then I'm a dead man. Ain't gon be no party for me next weekend then."

Olivia's breath hitched listening to the familiar voice complain about being grounded into the next century. She knew that voice from anywhere. It was the one that insulted her days ago on group face time when she announced she'd be back.

"Try not to bruise yourself when you come crawling back to the states, Oli." Spencer angrily muttered from Darnell's face time window at the revelation that Olivia was returning.

Sure, his tone was rougher that day, but there was no doubt in Olivia's mind that the guy standing two lockers down was indeed Spencer.

Hearing the slam of his locker closing and his hastened footsteps, Olivia took a deep breath before spinning around as he passed her by.

"Hey, Spence." She greeted nervously, glancing at his backside as he stopped in steps.

Hit with numerous sensations, Spencer jerked his head in skepticism, processing the pitch of an all-too-familiar voice. Joy from the joyous memories they shared in their earlier years. Anger from the memories of the turmoil during the middle of freshmen year. And resentment from how the one girl that he use to side with against anything, dared to up and leave the country without even bidding him farewell.

Turning on the heel of his feet, Spencer finally faced Olivia for the first time in over a year.

"Princess of tea and Scones actually dared to return to the home of us, little people," Spencer responded coldly, jaded from all his baffling emotions. "Sorry, we could not roll out a red carpet for you." He snorted.

Rolling her eyes, Olivia who wasn't taking his weak insults,  matched his energy. "Good to see that little people like you still know their betters. I'd hate to spend the next semester pretending to care about your irrelevant opinions. I just thought I'd be the bigger person and offer to help you out of your butthurt feelings." Liv snickered, causing Spencer to smack his lips with an attitude.

"Ain't nobody in their feelings over you, Olivia," Spencer grumbled.

"Could have fooled me." Olivia snapped,  "Anyway, I was just saying hey to break the ice before Monday. I will let you get back to being pressed about me."

"Didn't I just say...I don't got time for this. I'm late for class." Spencer mumbled with an attitude.

"Don't worry we have the rest of the year to talk about how you aren't checking for me." Olivia giggled, waving him to before swaying away in the opposing direction with a smirk, confident that even after all this time apart she was still under his skin.

Spencer glared at Olivia watching her every step. He remained confused because despite being upset with her, he couldn't deny that the years had been kind to her.

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