The Audacity

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"He tried to bring that turncoat, homewrecking whore to my house after school to hangout with the crew. I wasn't having." Taylor whispered next to Olivia in the library as they worked on their mathematics lab on the computer.

"What did you tell him?" Olivia inquired, switching her focus from the computer screen to her friend.

"It's not what I told him. It's what I told her."  Taylor huffed. "I told that two face bitch, to take Spencer to a place like rotates on the same clock as her legs -24/7."

Causing Olivia to giggle behind her hand, to keep from catching the attention of their teacher.

"She got mad and spouting off at the mouth. And you know my hands ran faster than her quick lips so when she kept popping off at the mouth, I decided to sock her in the mouth."

"Tay, you didn't!" Olivia laughed in disbelief. 

"The bitch was asking for it. First, by screwing you, then riding Spencer's coattail. Now, she is disrespecting me in my house. I don't care if she if she has to show up to the dance with a busted lip and blackeye. She's the living version of that tiktok motto. She fucked around, then she found out." Taylor mused, gladly bringing another smile to Olivia's face.

"I'm adapting that motto for Spencer to." Olivia replied giddily. "He's been all over that hugged up with that slut all over school and ignoring my every existence. It's his routine. When he feels hurt by me, he throws himself into pointless flings with these quick females, then throws it in my face. He did when he found out about Asher, again after I moved, and now that he thinks I want to see other people he thinks he hurting me back by flaunting that bitch every chance he has." Olivia groaned, her fingerings pressing harder into the keyboard than nessscary as she continued  to type. "I've got something for his clueless behind, too. I might be wrong for following Mia's advice, but Spencer is being a downright jerk, and he thinks I'm just going to beg for his attention. Yeah, right. He can do him, I'm gonna do better. He found his date. And I found mine."

Taylor dropped her eyes from her cell phone and eyed her best friend curiously. "What date, libby?"

"You know him. So does Spencer." Olivia responded confidently, knowing that she was asking for trouble already. "It's Dane Kohler."

"You mean Westlake senior, womanizing playboy, light skin rizzing, Dane Kohler." Taylor snickered in disbelief. " The same Dane who tried to put the moves on you when we went to that party in Beverly a few weeks ago? The Dane who Chris had to pull Spencer off of after he saw him trying to dry hump you on the dance floor. That Dane."

"One and the same." Olivia nodded smugly. "Spencer can flaunt his hoochie up and down Crenshaw, but she won't even be a foresight when Spencer sees me on Dane's arm."

"I hope you know Dane's blood type." Taylor huffed seriously,  returning to her cell phone.

"Why?" Liv pondered aloud.

"Cuz he's gonna be in the hospital after Spencer is through with him." Taylpr predicted without blinking an eye.

Olivia shook her head, resisting a laugh at Tay's dark humor, knowing there might be some truth to it.

(A/N: Dane is in the top photo above the title for some of those who need a reminder."

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