A Life That Never Lived

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3 Weeks After Olivia's Move Overseas.

"I'm only 14, what am I going to do with a baby." Olivia panicked, listening to the nurse disclose her condition.

She and her father hadn't been in London for a month before Olivia found herself sicker than she'd been before. One week after their arrival she was constantly hit with dizzy spells but shook it off to being jet lag. In the second week, Olivia's mid-afternoon lessons were spent at home rather than in class. Billy who was busy adjusting to his new job didn't ask any questions about his daughter and was sent home from her new school for three out of the first five days of school. He chopped it down to his daughter being homesick, and let her rest for those days.

By the third week, Olivia couldn't shake the school nurse's concern. After listing off her symptoms to Nurse Petra, and disclosing that she had recently been sexually active, Olivia was requested to take a pregnancy test. No surprise that Olivia was sent for a whirlwind when Nurse Petra announced that she was indeed pregnant. 

Staying in the nurse's office for the remainder of the school day, Olivia failed to console herself. Crying over the phone to the first person she could manage to call, Olivia informed her twin.

"You can't tell Spencer or anyone back in Crenshaw..." Olivia required of her brother, sniffling. "Not until I figure out what I'm going to do."

She sighed heavily, realizing that she'd dumped the news on him without letting him speak once.

".....Liv, I didn't know why you were calling and I was working on a class assignment so I put you on speaker." Jordan finally spoke, wishing he'd interrupted his twin sooner.

"...You...you...aren't alone?" Olivia asked,  mortified by the thought that she just dug her own grave. "Who else is with you?" She inquired, tears slipping from her eyes.

"Congrats on the baby, Liv." The sarcastic venom of Layla Keating, voiced from Jordan's end.

Olivia bit her bottom lip, anxiously shaking her head in utter anger. "What the hell is she doing with you, Jorda?"

"She's my partner for the assignment," Jordan informed his emotionally overwhelmed sister. "You sounded upset when I answered so I let you vent. I didn't know you were going to spill baby news." Jordan summed up to retain his innocence.

"But don't worry Liv. Your news is safe with me." Layla sneered.

Rolling her eyes from the end of the phone line, Olivia couldn't help but think the worst.

"I gotta go. They called Dad, and he is on his way to come and get me." Olivia replied, defeated by the cruel game of fate. "Don't tell anyone, please."

"We won't," Jordan swore, making an unspoken vow to keep Layla's mouth shut. Layla said nothing, as she huffed, plopping back down onto Jordan's bed.

"Love you, Liv," Jordan added, hoping to lift her spirits. "No matter how this plays out."

"Thanks, Jay. I love you too." Olivia softly replied, hanging up her phone.
One week later......

"You can't keep the baby." Billy asserted,  glaring at his daughter before shifting his focus back onto the road.

"Not saying keep it, just give birth to it," Olivia recommended, placing her hand on her pregnant belly. "This is another life growing in me, Dad. I can't kill it. I don't want to." She mused, thinking of the blissful night that caused the conception of the unborn life. "I want to do right by my baby. That means giving birth, and giving it to a family who can give it a proper life."

"What about the school, Olivia? Do you know how many rumors will stir up if you go to school pregnant? You'd be outcasted before you've had a chance to make any friends." Billy tried to rationalize.

"Do you think people aren't already talking about me?" Olivia coldly responded. "I've left classes multiple times within the first week of school. People already talking behind my back. At least, this way it won't be in vain." Olivia grumbled, glaring out the window. Her hand rubbed her stomach,  breaking her out of her bad attitude. "I want to do this, Dad."

Billy groaned heavily, his eyes closed momentarily praying for patience as his hands instinctively continued to drive on. His eyes slowly opened back up, realizing that he relied on his American driving skills, causing him to have pulled into the wrong lane.

"Dad, watch out!" Olivia screamed as her father's foot hit the brakes.

Their car wrecked hood-first, into another car. Hit in the face by the airbags on the passenger side, Olivia blacked out on impact.
Two days after the accident......

Olivia woke up in the hospital with her father at her bedside. Her head pounded with a giant headache and her stomach felt like needles were pressing the inside.

"Mmm.Dad..." Olivia raspily recited, alerting her Dad to her state of consciousness.

"Oh, thank God." Billy prayed aloud, leaping to his feet and kissing her head. "He had me scared, baby girl."

"How long was out for?" Olivia moaned, adjusting her strained pupils to the bright lights.

"2 days." Billy replied, "Livvie, baby, we need to..."

"Oh, my goodness. The baby!" Olivia immediately interjected, flinging her swore arms up to reach for her stomach.

Billy glanced to the floor, trying to find the proper words to phrase this.

"Livvie, I'm so sorry." Billy sighed, causing Olivia's face to fall as he continued. "The first few weeks of a pregnancy are some of the most stressful and some of the slightest mishaps result in termination," Billy explained, mimicking the words he'd heard from the doctor a day before.

"No, Daddy. Please." Olivia began to weep. "Don't say it." She begged, her hands clenching at her stomach where she desired to know her baby safely remained.

"I'm sorry, baby." Billy apologized finally seeing that even at the early stage of her pregnancy, his daughter grew attached to the life that once grew within her. "The force from the collision contained caused a large impact against your abdomen. Even with the airbags, your pregnancy wasn't in a stable enough stage to withstand the pressure. You miscarried a few hours after we arrived at the hospital." Billy ripped off the bandaid in one breath, causing Olivia to scream out in agony.

"No.No.No." Olivia repeatedly screamed, kicking at her bedsheets, and crying profusely. Two nurses joined at Billy's standpoint, ushering the father aside. 

Olivia wept heavily and trembled as she was held still by one nurse and sedated by the other.
Released from the hospital 2 weeks later, Olivia went emotionally numb. Avoiding her father at all costs, she remained in her room for three days. Ignoring Jordan's and her mother's calls, Olivia shut the world out.

Following the next month, at school, she ate alone and barely talked in class. Olivia spoke to her Crenshaw friends, faking a smile on every phone call and face time, unable to confess her deepest regret.

For six months, Olivia lived as a shell of herself, mourning a life that never was. She mourned until she was ready to bury the past and move on. It wasn't an easy thing for her family to dance around, but they let her mourn in her way. And when she finished, she made her family promise to not mention the baby again. It meant Olivia giving herself another chance at a full life, and so they agreed.

The pregnancy, the baby, or the miscarriage was never mentioned again. And so it was like it never even happened.

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