Chapter Eight

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The storm raged outside, casting the world into a chaotic dance of wind and rain. Baela Targaryen, torn between her heart's desires and the weight of destiny, found solace in the cold rain that drenched her. Baela stood on the balcony, watching the storm that brewed in the sky, contemplating whether or not it was w good idea to leave. Moondancer watched her from a distance away, the dragon not seeming to mind the rain.

" I guess since we are already out, it would be a waste to not go right? " Moondancer's only response was a small huff. It was all the acknowledgment she needed.

As Baela's long silver hair whipped in the wind, she felt a strange sensation—a presence beyond the storm's fury. Moondance, sensing his rider's unease, snorted and slowed his pace, and came to land on what was now her favorite spot in the Red Keep. Baela scanned her surroundings, her eyes penetrating the darkness, searching for the source of this unfamiliar aura.

As Baela Targaryen stepped foot into the Red Keep, her nervousness was evident in her every movement. Despite the beautiful gardens surrounding her, filled with vibrant flowers and lush greenery, the gloomy and rainy weather seemed to mirror her unsettled state of mind.

As raindrops cascaded from the overcast sky, Baela's grip tightened on the folds of her cloak, seeking some semblance of comfort. The pitter-patter of rain on the cobblestones echoed in her ears, adding to her unease. The scent of wet earth mingled with the fragrance of the blooming flowers, creating a bittersweet atmosphere that reflected the conflicting emotions within her.

The gardens, usually a haven of serenity and tranquility, seemed different in the rain. The petals of the flowers, once vibrant and full of life, now glistened with raindrops, their colors slightly muted. The paths, usually lined with neatly trimmed hedges, were now dotted with puddles, causing Baela to tread carefully to avoid splashing the hem of her gown.

Baela's gaze shifted towards the balcony, where Joffrey stood with an air of authority, unaffected by the cold and gloom. It was clear that he had been aware of her arrival, as his lack of surprise suggested. She approached him, her nervousness momentarily overridden by a touch of defiance.

Joffrey smirked when noticed her drenched self, seemingly amused by the storm's fury and Baela's audacity to ride amidst such chaos. "Princess Baela, always the daredevil, I see," he sneered, his voice carrying a hint of admiration buried beneath the layers of arrogance.

Baela, her heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, dismounted from Moondance. The rain soaked through her clothes, clinging to her like a second skin. She squared her shoulders and met Joffrey's gaze, unyielding and determined. "I seek clarity, Your Grace. A momentary respite from the weight of expectations and the tangled web of my own desires."

Joffrey's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. "And what better way to find clarity than to embrace the storm itself? To dance with chaos and revel in the uncertainty it brings."

Despite herself, Baela found a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. There was a strange allure in Joffrey's words, a temptation to explore the unknown. "You speak as if you have mastered the art of embracing chaos, my lord."

Joffrey chuckled, a sound that echoed through the rain-soaked night. "Perhaps I have, Princess. We all have our secrets, our hidden desires. Sometimes it takes a storm to reveal our true selves." His cheerful attitude changes as quickly as it came.  "But Why did you only come back now? I have been waiting " Joffrey's voice carried a bratty tone, his words laced with accusation. Baela couldn't help but roll her eyes, a hint of exasperation creeping into her response.

"I didn't have time to," she retorted, her voice tinged with annoyance. The weight of her responsibilities and the challenges she had faced during her absence were evident in her words. Baela knew her delayed return had likely sparked Joffrey's ire, but she wasn't about to apologize for circumstances beyond her control.

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