Chapter Five

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She didn't expect to be back here again. Once more She had gone through the storm and once again she finds herself in the strange place she recognized as Kingslanding.

Moondancer landed stealthily in the garden. The large trees provide a perfect cover for her dragon. She is still curious why there are no guards here. After what happened last time she would have expected that the whole place be filled up with armed men. The boy from before, Joffrey Baratheon, he had clearly seen her and he had seen Moondancer. Could it be that he hadn't told anyone?

" Stay hidden Moondancer. I'll be right back"

Baela turns her back on the dragon who was camouflaged pretty well in the darkness, she made her way towards the winding steps. Her hands did not stray far from the dagger carefully hidden against her hips. Just in case she might run into someone unexpected. The only person she wanted to see at the moment was Joffrey, she had some questions to ask.

The Targaryen princess wasn't all that familiar with the exterior of the red keep. Even if she had grown up here she didn't think she could recognize all the various corridors and hallways. This was why she only ever ventured out with her grandmother and Aemond.

What are the chances that she was going to see this Joffrey again anyways? She could end up getting caught and she'd have no one to blame but herself. This was such a bad idea.

Baela was just thinking of returning to Moondancer when a familiar voice sounded in the empty hallways. She easily blended into the darkness as she awaited for the person to get closer.

It was no doubt that it was Joffrey Baratheon. His figure was familiar and even that arrogant-filled voice was the same. Someone was with him. Not the woman Baela had seen before but rather a mountain of a man in armor. The Hefty male stood still as the young king spewed harsh words toward him.

" His head was on a spike before, and now it's gone!" Baela heard Joffrey say in frustration. " I demand you find whoever did this. Who dares to take down Ned Stark's head without my permission!? If Sansa has something to do with this then God help her!"

All she could comprehend was that Joffrey was fretting was over a missing head. She really didn't care about what he was saying. What she wanted was to have some of her questions answered. Was it possible to approach him with that guard present? Joffrey was someone she could easily take down but the guard was not. What was she supposed to do now?

" Don't just stand there looking like a dog! Go tell my mother to find the traitor for me"

The mountain grunts in response. Barla is relieved when he turns around and disappears down a narrow corridor. Finally, Joffrey was left alone. He was staring directly toward the garden. She wonders if he was going to approach the garden, but he doesn't. He turns around intending to leave, and Baela's feet move on their own.

" Wait"

" Y...You again" There is a pure shock on his face as he sees her. Jeffrey stumbles back. " You! You are actually real!"

" What do you mean I am real? You saw me two nights ago. Do you not remember me?"

" There was a beast with you!!"

" Moondancer is not a beast" She takes high offense when an insult is issued to her dragon.

" Guard!! Guar..mph!"

" Will you keep your mouth shut!" She lunges at him and presses her hand against his mouth. Baela might have underestimated his strength because he easily throws her hand off. Even in the dark, his glare was harsh.

" Did you just tell me to shut up? Do you know who I am?!"

" I don't care! Will you keep your voice down or should I have my dragon eat you up?"

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