Chapter 3

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Alaric blinked at Lyra, unable to process the words she had just spoken and the deeper meaning those bells held for him. He closed his eyes, fighting against the memory of hearing them ring after his father died. Grief and panic threatened to overwhelm him.

He opened his eyes as Lyra stood up in a rush and began to scan the shadows as if someone might jump out and grab her. "It's alright," he assured her. "We're perfectly safe."

"You don't understand," she stammered. "I have to go."

He couldn't understand why she was so upset. She had no personal ties to the king. Well, none that she knew of. "I'm sure it's a mistake and the king is fine."

"The king is not fine. We both know they only ring those bells when they are absolutely certain. And they only ring three times for—"

His heart felt like it dropped to his stomach as he finished her sentence, knowing who was currently wearing the mask of the king. "Assassination."

"Exactly. Your young king has been murdered, and as the most powerful blood mage in the land, there's only one other thing that can kill him."

He stood up and shook his head slowly. "No, only another incredibly powerful blood mage can do that and all the blood mages have to swear a blood oath never to cause him harm. This has to be a mistake."

"Only registered blood mages make the oath," she whispered. "Which is why I really, really have to go."

His eyes widened at her implication. The way her voice shook and her face paled... she was practically screaming her guilt. His face twisted into a snarl as rage and grief tore through him. He threw his hands out and his blood magic pulled from his fingers, turning to a powerful rope that wrapped around her wrists and pinned her arms onto the wall behind her.

"Did you do it? Did you kill Mathias?"

She fought against his grip. "Please, Ric, don't cut me. I can't help what—" she paused and stopped fighting. Her dark eyes trailed from the blood ropes wrapped around her back up his fingers and then his face. To his now blood-red eyes. "You're... by the Light, you're the king, aren't you?"

"Answer my question," he demanded, tightening his grip.

"I don't know who Mathias is and I never tried to hurt the king, I mean, you, I suppose. But they're going to think I did." Her words were slow and earnest, begging him to believe her. "I don't want to hurt you, but if you cut me..."

"What are you talking about? Why would anyone suspect you?"

"Because I am a blood mage. I never knew others like me, so I never knew how to control it."

He immediately released her, understanding why she was so scared of him cutting her. "How is that possible? Every blood mage is brought to the Crimson Kingdom to swear the blood oath and train with our masters."

"Yes, yes, and they become your most trusted generals in the Blood Brigade. My mother didn't want that for me, so she hid me away."

"Is that why you lived in the mountains?" The mountains served as the barrier between the Crimson Kingdom and the Light Kingdom, but not many settlements lasted there. The harsh weather, vicious beasts, and general lack of protection from either kingdom made for a very tough living environment that very few survived.

"Yes. I came here when my mother died. It's stupid, but I thought that I might learn something of my blood magic by being here." She rolled her eyes at herself and then paused as she examined him. "Now, I think it's my turn for the questions, your eminence."

The Crimson King and the Masked Heir (#1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora