Welcome to Matheson

Start from the beginning

I look out of the window and it seems very quiet, there is hardly anyone around 

Mum" Okay, let's stop, huh? check out the town, leave Bailey in the car"

Bailey woofs from the back. We've had Bailey since he was a puppy, Dad brought him for Bode and I when we wouldn't stop pestering about a dog. He loves everyone but has always been closer to me.

Billie" Sorry boy, we won't long"

Mum" Hey, who wants ice cream?"

Twins" Me!"

Tyler" You're kidding, right?"

Mum, Tyler and Kinsey walk on inside while both Bode and I see a boy holding a GI Joe. Both of us smile at him, he gives a tiny wave. Then a women who I would think is his mum ushers him in the car.

Women" Come on, Rufus!"

Bode and I hurry on in.

Kinsey" Must've just missed the rush"

Clerk" Only pregnant women and masochists crave ice cream in this weather"

Clerk" We're one of two, I like your bracelet"

Kinsey" Thanks"

Mum then goes to hand over money and the clerk dismisses it.

Clerk" It's on the house, Mrs Locke Newcomers discount"

Mum" That's very kind of you"

Kinsey" We don't need charity"

Clerk" It's hospitality.Welcome to Matheson"

Wait how does he know who we are?"

My twin obviously shares the same thought as me as he blurts out.

Bode" How does he know who we are?

We head back to the car and I give Bailey a scrunch behind the ears, we finish off our ice cream Bode and I trading flavours. As we pull up the driveway both my brother and I race out of the car.

Bode" Oh, cool! Whoa!"

Billie" Are we rich?"

Mum places her hands on our shoulders.

Mum" I don't know if I'd say rich, so much as very lucky kids"

Uncle Duncan emerges from the house. Bode and I both run towards him, Bailey hot on our heels.

Uncle Duncan" Hey! Welcome to Key House!"

Bode" Uncle Duncan! Uncle Duncan! We have a house with a name!"

Uncle Duncan" Well, puns are a Locke family tradition, hey boy good to see you"

He reaches down to pet Bailey who woofs in excitement. 

Mum" How was Boston?"

Duncan" It was good.I wanted to get you guys something to mark the occasion of coming to your ancestral home for the first time. Wanted to get you something like a plant but then I was running late, I didn't want to miss the movers, so that's for you"

He plunges his hand into a bag and pulls out seven hats. I get a dark blue one, that's my favourite colour, Bode gets green, Kinsey purple, Tyler red, Mum pink, Uncle Duncan light blue and even Bailey gets one. His is Orange to match his collar.

Billie" Aww even you get one boy"

Uncle Duncan" Okay, who wants to see inside?"

Twins" Me!"

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