Chapter 1: I hate everyone.

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Mayas pov:

Crying in bed as usual, not this bad but it's ok I don't care, I don't care anymore.
Everyone hates me, my stupid mum is brainwashed by Anthony, she won't believe a thing I say. Whatever. I've started to hate mum ever since she picked a man she knew for 6 months over her own daughter, but I hate her mainly because she missed my sisters funeral, my older sister was sad and depressed she killer herself, Anthony smiled when she died, it was all his fault ever since he came we were in misery.

"MAYA!" Anthony yelled for me, he interrupted my thoughts.

"Yea?" I said nervously and quietly, he has all this power I have to be careful.

"CLEAN THE HOUSE NOW! THIS HOUSE IS FILTHY!" He yelled my ears couldn't handle it but whatever.

I nodded and quickly got all the rusty, smelly cleaning supplies from the neglected closet. I started cleaning the beer bottles on the couch and beds and I had to clean alcohol spills as-well.

I was cleaning peacefully until he did something that got on my nerves, I don't know why it got on my nerves he always hits me but it just flared up "OMG STOP! IM TRIED OF YOU WALKING OVER ME!" I yelled, I didn't regret that one bit it felt sooo good yelling at him.

I walked into my room and realised if I stayed here any longer I'll be dead, I locked the doors quickly, thankfully I did because he was threatening me to get out. He was banging on the door non stop.

I was packing my bags in a hurry. without making a sound I opened my window and leaped out, I never felt so free, so happy and calm.

I ran as much as I could until I stopped to catch my breath, I grabbed my phone out of my bag and called my bestie, her name is Gracie and she's 16, I met her online. She is going through something similar to me so she's like the only one who can understand me.

"Hey Gracie I ran away can I come over?" I asked

"You live like 2-3 hours away from me how are you gonna come?" She said, she had a point how was I gonna get there

"Actually don't worry about it I'll pay for your flight I have the money anyways" ok this is why she is my bestie. She isn't rich and every time she gets the littlest bit of money she will use it really fast so I was shocked that she said that she could pay for it.

She booked for my plane, since it was last minute it was a bit expensive but she didn't mind.

"Hey I called you an uber" she said. 2 minutes after she said that the uber came, I hoped in and we went to the airport.

*Fast forward where she is now boarding on to the plane*

"flight 8, Magdeburg to hurburg" the flight attendant said, I grabbed my carry on and made my way on to the plane.

I grabbed my luggage but I couldn't reach the compartment to put my bags in.
"Need help?" A tall boy with dreads, a hat and really baggy clothes said, he had one ear plug in his ear I wonder what he was listening to. "Yes please, I can't reach" I said thankful.

He looked around my age he was very tall. I sat down in my seat and I realised that he was sitting next to me... interesting. "What's your name?" He said with a flirty grin "I'm mayana but you can call me maya, and you are?" I asked interested "I'm Tom, so tell me why is a beautiful girl like you doing here flying all alone?" He asked.

My cheeks flustered while I hesitated, I decided to lie since you should never trust strangers. "Uhm just visiting a friend" I said, well it isn't exactly a lie it was like a half truth. "What about you? You look around my age." I asked curiously, his eyes brightened "oh I'm just coming back home. you know hurburg is a pretty sketchy city you know? What about I'll drop you off at your place?" he asked, he was playing with his lip ring. "I can get there myself, but I'll see." I said, I really didn't want his help but some reason I warmed up to him quickly which was unusual for me. "Wow you're a feisty girl" he said with a smirk, I wanted slap him but I didn't feel like it, I was to tired and drained to and I didn't want to make a scene.

He was going to say something but fortunately the flight attendant interrupted, "ladies and gentlemen please put on your seat belts we are about to take off!"


*Fast forward to when they are an hour away from landing*

We were an minutes away from landing, Tom was so tired he dozed off, his head fell on to my shoulders, he looked like a cute little baby, not saying he's cute but cmon.
I didn't want to wake him up but I had to, we were close to landing.

"Tom! Wake up! Tommmy!" I said irritatingly, he woke up and realised he was sleeping on me, he was blushing. He looked so innocent, yet he wasn't "oh, I'm so sorry" he said shyly, "it's ok" I said, his head was a bit heavy I was gonna flick him off but I had a strange feeling not to and I didn't feel like it, it was sorta giving me a massage.


We finally landed, the airport looked poor and miserable. "so I'll call a taxi and we can leave and go to your place?" He asked "yeah, yeah but you're only dropping me off." I said, I didn't want a stranger go in the apartment without Gracie's permission. "Ok princess" he said with a wink, ugh why is he so corny? Whatever at-least he's paying for the taxi.

The ride was taking ages, I fell asleep on tom, I woke up and I didn't care, he did do it to me, so why did it matter? He was sooo red, it was funny so I laughed, what an idiot.

We arrived, I said bye to Tom and went into the apartment. "hey Gracie!" I said I pulled her in for a hug. "Omg hey! I put you in the same school as me so we can go to school together!" She said happily, I was super happy but really tired, she lead me into the guess bed and helped me unpack, I changed into my pjs and slept for hours.

1131 words 😍😍

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