New Look

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Sumire:..And that's pretty much it.

Cira:*adjusts her glasses a bit* So let me see if I can get this straight; you want to change your look because you look too similar to the former Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles and that you don't want your boyfriend to worry about you getti...

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Cira:*adjusts her glasses a bit* So let me see if I can get this straight; you want to change your look because you look too similar to the former Sustainer of the Heavenly Principles and that you don't want your boyfriend to worry about you getting hurt by the current one, so that by changing the way you look, it will be more safer, right?

Sumire:*nods* Yes. I know it's a bit much, but...I'm just tired of looking like this.

Cira:*smiles* Say no more, I totally understand. In fact, you're quite lucky to have bump into me because I'm well known for actually changing a person's look.

Sumire:😳 You do?

Cira: Of course! Plus, I've been meaning to find some new inspirations for my next fashion project, so you're technically the first client I ever get to try on.

Sumire: Well, alright then.


**Few Hours Later**

Cira:*adjusting something on Sumire* Just a little bit more and....done! *stops what she was doing and steps back for a bit* Hm...I think I did a pretty good decent job. But I kinda want to hear your opinion on it, just to be sure. *pulls out a body mirror and puts it a few feet in front of her* So what do you think? And please be honest with me.

Sumire:*looks at her reflection in the mirror and was shocked by how she looks* Wow

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Sumire:*looks at her reflection in the mirror and was shocked by how she looks* this really me? I look so...different but..really beautiful.

Cira:*smiles* Well, of course you are beautiful. You might think you look different, but you're still the same on the inside.

Sumire:*smiles softly* Thank you, Ms. Cira...I don't know how to repay you..

Cira:*softly waves her hand a bit* Don't worry about that; I'm just glad that I could help.

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