Chillin' in the Moment...Uh oh.

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Erias:*eating the apple while holding it in her hand* This apple is really good

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Erias:*eating the apple while holding it in her hand* This apple is really good.

**Unbeknownst to her, couple of criminal hunters were hiding in the bush watching her from a distance**

Hunter #1:*whispers* There she is. Just as we thought.

Hunter #2:*whispers as well* Can't believe it took us 2 weeks, just to track that annoying girl down! Let's just kill her already!

Hunter #1: No way! We need to bring her in alive so that our boss can use her to breed us some golden eggs and sell them for a fortune. Otherwise, she would be good to us as dead.

Hunter #2:*groans quietly* Fine...

Beautiful Shade of Pink Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora