Bringing Her Back

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Iris:*sets the box down on the table* There

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Iris:*sets the box down on the table* There. I got the box you needed, but...are you sure you want to do it? 

are you sure you want to do it? 

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Me: Yes, sweetheart. I am sure of what I'm doing and of the consequences it may effect. Believe me, this isn't the first time I've tried it. 

Iris:*sighs* Alright. Be careful. *steps away*

Me:*takes a deep breath and closes eyes as I stick my hands out towards the box with them glowing*

**Suddenly, the room grows dim as the box glows in bright light then levitates off the table and opens revealing an orb inside. I then open my white out eyes chanting a spell in Hebrew as the orb glows brightly pulsing immense energy. Then the orb stops glowing after I finish chanting the spell and suddenly both the orb and the box exploded, pushes me against the wall hard then slide down to the floor**

Iris:*quickly runs over to me with mix of concern and worry* Mother! Are you alright!? Please answer me! 

Me:*coughs* I'm alright...*then notices the white petals on the floor and looks up a bit* Besides, I think it actually worked..

Iris:*looks at what I was looking at and then looked shocked* 

Iris:*looks at what I was looking at and then looked shocked* 

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???:*looks at the two with a smile* Greetings. I am Guizhong. It's a pleasure to meet you. 

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