Hansel and Gretel

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  Once upon a time, there was an old woman called Amy. Everyone knew her as the evil one who tried to eat two children, but that is not the full story. In case you have not guessed, I am Amy.

  For as long as I could remember, my dream was to own a house made of all things sweet like candy cane and chocolate. However, everyone laughed at me for being ridiculous. To achieve my dream and prove everyone wrong, I started collecting all the materials I would need from far and wide, and worked day and night. Even though it was hard work, I refused to give up my ambition.

  My dream home was finally ready when I was old and grey. Made of gingerbread, it had glossy candy cane windows and gorgeous chocolate roof tiles. Brimming with pride, I decided to organize a party on the following day to show off my magnificent house and invited all the people that lived in Wonder Lane.

  I was taking out a jar tomato sauce to make some pasta for the party when I heard thumping footsteps. Who is it? I thought curiously, setting down the bottle of tomato sauce. Did my friends remember the date wrongly? I walked to my vanilla frosted door quickly. When I opened it, my eyes widened in shock. Two children were munching on my candy house! The boy plucked down my candy cane windowsill and stuffed it in his mouth while the girl wolfed down a doughnut which served as a decoration!

  Without hesitation, I marched to them furiously, but it looked more like a casual stroll because of my old age. By the time I reached them, the boy had his mouth full of my chocolate wall tiles and the girl sucked on a lollipop that was once my flower!

  Without waiting for me to say anything, the boy's face turned pale upon seeing me and stammered, "W-we are sorry! We h-have nowhere to go a-and we are starving!"

  "We could not help ourselves when we saw your beautiful house!" the girl added.

  Looking at their angelic faces, I could not help but feel a twinge of pity for them. "Why don't you come in? I have more food," I invited. At least my house would not be destroyed further!

  The two children followed me into my house, and I told them to sit on the gingerbread chairs in the living room and help themselves to my sweet treats. "So, what are your names? You look awfully young to be alone in the forest," I smiled in an attempt to look friendly.

  "I'm Gretel and this is my brother, Hansel," Gretel replied without even looking at me and reached for a sweet in the candy jar. I ignored her impolite gesture and turned to Hansel, who had opened the jar of tomato sauce and was reaching a finger in it.

  I pushed down my anger and asked him, "How did you end up venturing in the forest?" Hansel shrugged and scooped out some sauce and licked his finger.

  My blood boiled and a perfect idea came to my mind. I had bought some Purple Powder from a prank shop nearby for the party as I wanted to prank my friends. If you ate Purple Powder, your skin would turn purple for a day, and you would look ridiculous. I would bake some cookies for Hansel and Gretel and sneak some Purple Powder in the cookies!

  When I returned fifteen minutes later with all the materials I would need, I found the siblings fast asleep on my caramel-flavored bed. In the corner of my eye, I saw the mess they made in the living room.

  Tomato sauce were splattered all over the table and the jar had been knocked onto the floor, and it had broken into pieces! What's more, sweet wrappers littered the living room and the once-filled candy jar, had not even one left!

  My face contorted with rage, and I couldn't suppress the surge of fury coursing through my veins anymore. Those brats! How dare they?!

  After calling them up, I threw Hansel into the cage that was once for my chocolate birds and ordered Gretel to do the chores. "Clean up the mess you and your brother had made!"

  Bursting into the tears, Gretel picked up a wet broom and started sweeping the tomato sauce on the table. "What use is that? You're spreading the tomato sauce!" I hollered. She is totally useless!

  I decided to continue with my plan. "Go and see if the oven is hot enough!" I instructed Gretel, who feigned ignorance and continued using the broom to spread the tomato sauce.

  Is she deaf? Impatient, I decided to check the oven myself. Without warning, Gretel threw the broom on the floor and pushed me from behind! Not just lightly, but she shoved me with such great force (she was very strong!) that I slid into the oven with a scream!

  Bam! The oven door slammed shut, leaving me to burn to death.

  Thankfully, the oven had not been pre-heated long enough to even bake, let alone burn me to death. Gritting my teeth, I pushed and pushed as hard as I could, willing the oven door to open.

  To my astonishment, the oven door slid open! Heaving a great sigh of relief, I managed to escape and landed on the floor with a thud, only to find my house ransacked and in a complete mess!

  Those two thieves had stolen all my valuables and heirlooms! I screeched with rage and stormed over to the cage, but the cage door was swung open, and that brat has escaped!

  I had no choice but to cancel the party. I had thought it was the end, but I was wrong.

  Several weeks later, there came a knock on my door and when I opened it, I saw a postman holding a box. "Here's your copy of Hansel and Gretel." After giving me the box, he slammed the door shut and left.

  Hansel and Gretel? I wondered, narrowing my eyes with suspicion. I opened the box and found a book. Flipping through it, I found something horribly wrong. The book was written in a way that made me like a cannibal! Furious, I threw the book into the bin made of hard rock candy, almost toppling it over.

  Soon, I found out that, upon reaching home, Hansel and Gretel had told their father what had happened, but everything had been distorted in their favor. Then, the horrid book had been published by their father.

  Ever since everyone had read Hansel and Gretel, I was known to be the "evil witch". Now, I'm telling you, be more cautious and do not place your trust easily in other people or you might end up like me. They might not be who they seem.  

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