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Amber turns, a smirk appearing on her lips. "Welcome to Act Three." 

"Run!" Richie shouts, pulling Sam away. 

 Tara reaches up and tries to grab the gun from Amber's hand, which results into the bullet hitting into the ceiling. But it only ends up with Amber hitting Tara in the face, knocking her down unconscious. 

Randy swallows nervously in fear. She takes a small step back. "A-Amber...Why are you doing this? Stop...Please, stop. Don't come any closer." She begs pleadingly. 

"I won't hurt you. I always liked you, my innocent little flower. But you always had eyes for her. Tara fucking Carpenter. What the fuck was so special about her?" Amber spits out. 

Randy stares at her horrified, scrunching her forehead. "W-Why would you kill Wes?" She stutters out. 

"Because I saw how he looked at you. But don't worry, we won't you get hurt." Amber gives her a small smile. 

A smile that used to bring Randy comfort but now it just terrifies her. "We...?" 

"Me and Richie. He seems to have grown a soft spot for you too. He actually suggested to make you the final girl before I could suggest it myself." Amber's mouth twists slightly. 

"I-I can't forgive you." Randy stares nervously and anxiously. 

"I know. Not right now. But you'll, someday, bring yourself to forgive me." Amber says with a mock-sympathetic tone. 

Randy frowns slightly but before she has time to process the information, Amber knocks her out and everyone goes black. The last thing she feels is a sting of pain in her head. 


When Randy slows awakes, she opens her eyes slightly and hisses softly immediately as she feels the pain in her head. She realizes then she's being wheeled into an ambulance. 

Sam rushes towards the ambulance, seeing Randy slowly opening her eyes. "Oh, my God! Randy, Randy. Are you okay?" 

Randy gives her the smallest smile, holding up two fingers. "Immortality. I made a final girl, after all. Did you know I share the same name as the dude who was shot by your dad?" 

Sam swallows slightly at her words. "Randy...I am sorry for everything. I-I know Billy isn't my fault but I still feel guilty."

"It's okay. I don't blame you. A little dark humor, just." Randy gives her a slight smile. 

Sam smiles back. "Hey, after all this, we're gonna move away from all this shit. Tara would love it if you would follow. Mindy and Chad too." 

Randy exhales softly. "I sure wouldn't mind it. Hey, not to complain, do you think we can get another hospital? Horror-free perhaps? Not to sound like a whiny little girl or something..." 

Sam puts a hand on Randy's shoulder gently. "Of course. Tara actually asked for the same time. She has been worried about you. Very worried. Like, she doesn't stop talking about you." 

Randy chuckles softly. "That's Tara as a girlfriend for you. Very protective." She jokes slightly, giving Sam a soft smile. Her face turns serious. "I mean it. I don't blame you. You're not your father. Being your father and being your father's daughter are two very different things." 

Sam gives her a grateful smile. "Thank you, Randy. That means a lot." 


After arriving at a new hospital, Sam manages to fix so Randy and Tara end up in the same room. And beside their room, are Chad and Mindy. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 ━━  𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon