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Randy lays on the hospital bed, rubbing Tara's shoulder comfortably as the Latina girl has her head rested on Randy's warm chest. 

Judy Hicks asks Sam, Tara, Richie, Randy, and Amber questions about Ghostface who just attacked Sam in the hospital's cafeteria. 

"I've got a body outside a bar on Main, and then you get attacked here. You said the call came from Amber's number?" Judy Hicks questions. 

Sam nods. 

"So? We know he called on my phone before when he attacked Tara." Amber speaks with a soft tone, looking down at the Latina girl. 

"Or, and I'm just spit-balling here...you're the killer." Richie accuses Amber. 

Amber crosses her arms at Richie's words, giving him a blank look. Judy narrows her eyes at Richie with a questioning look. 

"And where were you when all this happened?" Judy questions. 

"I was...watching Netflix. Tara and Randy were asleep in the bed." Richie informs, glancing with a soft smile at Randy who smiles back slightly. He turns back to Amber when she speaks. 

"Ooh, yeah, super-solid alibi, bro." Amber comments snarkily. 

"So where were you?" Richie fires back. 

"I was questioning Amber and her friends at the sheriff's station." Judy puts in. 

"Yeah, I came as soon as I heard. But, you know, the Netflix alibi is good too." Amber gives Richie a look. 

"Both of you, stop it." Judy tells them. 

"You're gonna put more cops on her room, right?" Sam looks for confirmation as she looks up at Judy. Tara glances at her sister. 

"Yes." Judy confirms. "And I can move you to a private floor. Deputy Vinson knows what he's doing, you'll be safe." 

"Like we've been so far?" Sam questions. 

Judy smiles tightly. "Samantha, let's step outside." She suggests. 

Sam stays outside and talks with Judy before coming back inside. Randy and Tara turn to her as she walks back in. 

"Hey, Randy-" Sam begins softly. 

"Yeah, I get it. You can talk alone with Tara. I'll, uh, go wait outside. I'll be back soon." Randy smiles softly at Tara before giving her a kiss and leaves the room after that. 


After Sam comes outside, crying, Randy immediately stands up from the chair beside the hospital room's door. 


"Please, just go inside. Be there for her. She may be angry at me but she still needs protection, someone to look after her. Please, Randy." Sam gets more tears in her eyes. 

Randy smiles softly. "Of course. Don't worry, she'll come around. She always does. Trust me, I've screwed up many times. She's broken up with me more times than Max Mayfield dumped Lucas Sinclair." 

Sam chuckles slightly at her words. "Thank you, Randy." She sniffles before speaking again. "I'm glad to see you're doing okay, Randy. I'm sorry for leaving without heads-up and thank you for looking after Tara for these years."

Randy smiles softly before entering the hospital room. She glances over at the Latina girl, seeing her lost in thoughts with teary eyes. Tara turns to her and sniffles slightly. 

Randy walks over to her and sits down. Tara moves so Randy can lay down next to her and then Tara cuddles into her side as she sobs uncontrollably as she cries. 

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