Chapter 5: ℂ𝕣𝕦𝕖𝕝 𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕣

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Previously on The Lost Boys: Judgement Day...

David's plan to bring back Max, & the others seems to be going well as he now plans to fake Carl's death. Alice feels guilty about blackmailing Carl creating tension between her & Maria. Michael, & Alice go to the high school carwash to help raise money for their senior year. Alice, & Maria argue over Michael and how Alice has changed, ruining their friendship. Star & Laddie discover something terrifying in the ocean. Carl's fake body is found, and Star tells the sheriff that Alice, & Maria are responsible for his murder. 

AUGUST 20, 1987

Alice Jones POV:

It was 8pm as I walked inside my house. My dad was sitting down in the darkness of the living room. He turned around to look at me. He pulled out a camera, Carl's camera. My heart sank knowing he would suspect me of killing him.

"Is this Carl's camera?" He asked.

I put my car keys down. "You think I killed him... don't you."

"No- Alice, I love you but... I just need you tell me what happened..."

I looked at my dad with a serious face. "What if you don't like what you here."

I stomped my way upstairs to my room. I shut the door and pulled out my camcorder. There was no way I could tell anybody that happened or my feelings. Instead of talking to people I usually record my feelings using my camcorder. I turned on the camcorder.

"Today has been absolutely insane... Me, & Maria had a falling out and Carl's body was found... Last night, me & Maria blackmailed Carl... Maria punched him, and I kicked him in the stomach and just left him there! We blackmailed him because he knew that Michael was in a photo from a crime scene... So yeah... I'm responsible for the death of Carl." I explained.

I turned the camcorder off and took out the VHS. This VHS was my confession. I hid it under my bed in a box. Not only was my life going to be ruined, but so was Michaels & Maria's. This summer, without a doubt has been a shitshow.

Michael Emerson POV:

I entered the house to be greeted by Sam, Edgar, & Alan. "Mike... we need to talk about a lot."

"Yeah, well I have a lot on my mind so-" I said as I headed towards the stairs.

"The vampires are back Michael!" Sam yelled.

My heart sank. I had a feeling deep down that they were back. I sat down so they could tell me what they know. 

"Josh is a vampire and is responsible for grandpa's death."

"We think Alice is a vampire too." Alan added.

"NO! There is no way-" I yelled.

I started to think about it more. Alice was instantly nice to me. Plus, her dad is dating my mom. It's like how Max tried to date my mom a month ago. Maybe she is a vampire helping her dad. Maybe her dad is the new max!

"Ok but- she literally has been in the sunlight so scratch that theory!" I complained as I got up.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow morning please!" I yelled as I went upstairs.

AUGUST 21, 1987

Sheriff Matthews POV:

"I still can't believe he's gone." I spoke.

My deputy looked at me. "So do you want me to go get both of the girls for questioning."

I nodded. "Also get Michael Emerson."

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