Chapter 3: ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕄𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕖𝕝 𝔼𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟

Start from the beginning

Suddenly a thought popped up in my head. Does Alice have a crush on Michael. It was her idea to have the birthday, but her and Michael seem like best friends. What if this is to steal him away from me. Alice seems like she has some tricks up her sleeves. 

"So, what's going on with you and Alice?" I asked. 

Michael looked at me. "Nothing... me and her are friends... just friends!"

"Oh ok... I'm just asking!" I said solemnly. 

Michael walked away. Shit! It wasn't right of me to ask that. I hope he just forgets about it. Deep down I know it wasn't right to ask but I don't want to let go of Michael. At the same time, I question our relationship. The only reason Michael fell in love with me was because I was a beautiful young woman, not because of my personality. What if our relationship is just built off of trauma instead of true love?

Sam Emerson POV:

Me, Edgar, & Alan sat in the back of the comic shop in a dimly lit room. On a board was possible vampire suspects. Two being close to grandpa at the time of his death. Widow Johnson, & Josh Litz. He had a date with Widow Johnson on the day of his death and Josh was hunting during the night near our house. 

Widow Johnson's location is unknown, but Josh's location is known!

"Guys... we need to make a plan to confirm that Josh is a vampire!"

"What do you have in mind?" Alan asked.

"Uh nothing-" I stuttered.

"God this is so ANNOYING! Let's remind each other that the supposed judgement day is coming up soon! We need to hunt & kill the remaining vampires in Santa Carla!" I explained. 

Edgar put down a photo on the table. It was a photo of Josh at a local weightlifting competition at the gym. It was taken at 11pm during the night. This means he works out there too!

Edgar looked at us. "We can trap in a sauna and burn the answers out of him."

I looked at Alan. "Ok than but we don't have memberships to get inside."

Edgar put down twenty bucks and some nickels on the table. "Uhm that's definitely not enough." I replied.

Edgar picked up the money. "Well than I have another idea to get some cash."

"Follow me." Edgar said as he walked out of the room.

Let's hope his plan is a good and fast one! 

Alice Jones POV:

I took the blueberry Jello cubes out of the freezer and put them on the coffee table. The party begins in twenty minutes! Maria placed the speaker outside. There will also be a volleyball game outside which will be very fun! We plan on playing some Metallica, Madonna, G Tom Mac, & some other songs. 

I hid the cake upstairs in my room, so Michael doesn't see it. Hopefully this is a birthday he will never forget! Maria walked in with some cups and beer.

"Maria! Do you want everybody to get drunk!?" I asked.

"It's a party and a teenage party so..."

I picked up a beer can. "Yeah... your right..."

I opened the beer can and began chugging it down. "DAMN GIRL!" Maria yelled.

I started laughing. "Screw the old Alice Jones... Today is a new day! A NEW BEGINNING!" I yelled.

People started to show up, including Carl, a photographer for the yearbook club. He's the adopted son of the sheriff. He unsurprisingly brought his camera. 

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